Chapter 34

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The voice echoed in his head multiple times before he could comprehend it. Suddenly he had trouble breathing and felt severe shame in knowing he had his hand down a stranger pants while Alec - the love of his life- was standing right behind him. Jonathan closed his eyes and began to pray for it all to be a dream. He had longed to see Alec for... well ever since he had left, but not like this. Not dressed like the slut he had become and definitely not while he was jerking a random guy of for a drink.

"Jon. Jonathan... it's really you. Oh my god, I've searched everywhere for you!"

Jonathan snapped around, completely forgetting the shame he was supposed to feel.

"Really? You've looked for me?" The genuine sense of happiness washed over him.

Alec loves me. He really loves me! Still, after all these years!

"yeah of course..." Alec glared towards Jonathan's hand in the man's pants, but he didn't say anything. It was a sexclub afterall, and who was he to judge? "where have you been?"

Before Jonathan could answer, the man beside him grabbed his arm and yanked him closer.

"hey, princess! If you want your goddamn drink, then get that mouth on me instead of chatting with that pretty-boy!"

Jonathan closed his eyes in humiliation and waited for the reprimand he was sure he would get from Alec. But something different happened. Something Jonathan had never thought he would experience. Alec - shy, awkward Alec- stepped into the man's personal space and glared down at him. Eventhough Jonathan wasn't the one being starred down, he could feel the anger burning in those beautiful hazel eyes.

"If you know what's good for you, you wont speak to me like that again, do I make myself clear?!"

The man trembled slightly as he nodded his agreement.

"Good. Now, pay my friends drink as an apology for treating him the way you just did, and then get the hell out of my sight!"

"Yes sir..." The man gestured for the bartender, handed him the money and told him to get whatever Jonathan wanted. Then he mumbled an apology and ran for the hills.

Jonathan could barely breathe. Alec had become this strong Alpha male and he had defended him. If that wasn't true love, Jonathan sure didn't know what was.

"Alec, that was incredible." Jonathan launched himself onto Alec's body, hugging him so tight, that Alec began to feel uncomfortable. He knew he had to step carefully with Jonathan. The guy had never known what it was like to be treated well, so he usually mistook any single act of kindness as an act of love. Alec had learned that the hard way.

"Thanks Jon." Alec twisted himself out of Jonathans embrace. "Why don't you go and get cleaned up a little. I want to introduce you to someone."

"sure Alec. I'll do anything you want."

Jonathan practically skipped off to the bathroom as Alec loud out a deep sigh. Apparently, he had already stepped in it again. He recognized that behavior Jonathan was showing. It was clear that he once more thought, Alec was in love with him. But this time, Alec wouldn't run away. He wanted to help him. To save him.


Jonathan whistled as he washed his hands in the sink. Looking into the mirror, he hardly recognized himself. He was smiling. Actually smiling. The love he had for Alec had never faded, even though he had almost convinced himself that it had. And now he was blessed with the fact that Alec loved him too. He had come back for him. He loved him!

Jonathan ran his damp fingers through his hair, trying to straighten out the mess. Making himself a little more presentable before Alec would introduce him to his friends.

Jonathan grinned at his reflection. Everything was falling into place. For years he had been a sub without a master. And it had been hard. Now, Alec was this strong protector. He would be the perfect Dom for Jonathan. He already knew what Jonathan liked, and now that Alec had matured and embraced his inner sadist, Jon could finally get exactly what he needed from Alec.

His body trembled as he pictured Alec's big strong hands squeezing his throat while fucking into him hard. Moaning, Jonathan began caressing himself. Getting lost in the fantasy, Jon opened his shorts, and thrusted his dick into his own hand while chanting Alec's name. But the fantasy didn't stop there. It continued and moved from them fucking to them living together. Raising a perfect little boy together. Jonathan would show everyone who had ever called him a freak, how perfectly his life would be. The beautiful, masculine husband. The perfect child. The true love and a fairytale ending.

He wasn't broken. No. He wasn't a freak. Not anymore. Not now, that Alec was in his life. He would show them all! Everyone who ever doubted him and told him he was worth nothing! They would get to eat their own words! And envy his perfect life. The life he deserved more than anything!

Grunting and groaning, Jonathan spewed his semen all over the sink and mirror. With a smirk on his face, he closed his shorts, rinsed his hands and left the bathroom without cleaning the mess he had made. Why should he? He was superior to everyone now.

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