Chapter 1

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#smutwarning #blowjob

Alec's entire body shivered with anticipation. It had been far too long since he had laid eyes on that delicious man. Mr. Magnus Bane. Of course, he hadn't even been a man last time he saw him. Just a big kid, a boy in his late teens. But even then, Alec could tell what a handsome man, he would grow up to be. Not that he had ever made any moves on him. No, but he hadn't backed off either when the young Mr. Bane had asked things of him. Dirty things. Mind-blowing, sexual favors. And Alec had obliged under the pretense that it was his job to keep Mr. Bane and his son happy, but truth be told, Alec probably enjoyed it even more than Magnus.

As the wheel of the private jet hit the landing strip, Alec stepped out of the limo. He adjusted his suit and tie, before placing himself next to the vehicle with his feet slightly apart and his hands clutched on his back.

Even though his demeanor clearly stated him as calm, his heart kept slamming against his chest and his breathing became more and more irregular.

Pull yourself together, man. You were just one out of many. He won't remember the kid that blew him in the back of his father's limo while Mr. Bane attended a meeting.

But little did it help. Alec's body betrayed him, and when the door to the plane slid open, Alec held his breath.

Out stepped an even more muscular and sexy Magnus, than Alec had anticipated. Digging his nails deep into the palm of his hand behind his back, was the only way he could keep himself sane and alert. It would be truly embarrassing if Magnus caught him gaping at him.

The young man walked down the steps and made his way towards the limo. Alec rapidly opened the door before Magnus had reached the car.

"Thank you, but where is the usual driver? Mr. Lightwood."

"You must mean my father. He is currently driving Mr. Bane to an important meeting, so he called me to make sure someone he trusted would pick you up."

Magnus tilted his head slightly as he took in the beautiful features of the young driver. Something stirred in his mind. He knew him. He was sure of it, but he couldn't quite place him.

"So, if my fathers usual driver is your father, then that would make you...?"

"My name is Alec Lightwood, Sir. My father often brought me along with him, when he drove Mr. Bane. As an intern. And when I got older, Mr. Bane would call me to fill in for my father, when it was needed."

"Alright... So, we've met before?"

"Yes sir. A couple of times."

With one last glance at the driver, Magnus climbed into the limo, his mind still trying to remember the young stunning man with the beautiful hazel eyes.

As soon as Alec had closed Magnus' door, he released a shaky sigh. He hadn't remember him, just as he had expected, but Alec didn't know if he was disappointed or relieved. Before getting into the driver seat, Alec tried to get his breathing under control once more.

Once he was in the car and put the car in motion, Magnus used his remote to slide down the glass dividing the front and back.

"I remember you now. You used to entertain me when my dad left me in the car. Right?"

Alec looked into the rearview mirror and saw the raw desire reflecting in Magnus' eyes.

"yes sir..."

Alec could barely get the words out. He could tell from the way the man was looking at him, that it probably wouldn't be long before he was invited into the backseat.

Driving Mr. BaneWhere stories live. Discover now