Chapter 5

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Even though it had been months since Alec had broken things off with Magnus, his heart was still shattered. He knew, he had done what needed to be done, but that didn't make it hurt any less. With everything that was going on with his mom, he couldn't risk getting his dad fired.... Not now when the hospital bills were piling up. They couldn't afford losing an income just because of something as silly as unrequited love.

Luckily Alec had gotten a new job after refusing to work for Magnus. The job required a lot of his time, but came with board and lodging and a huge salary. The woman had explained that she didn't mind paying a lot for his services, as long as he was ready to accommodate her requests at any time of the day. And for someone who was broke and in desperate need of money this job was a godsend.

"Alec, are you dressed?" Ms. Belcourt knocked at the door to the pool house, where Alec was currently living.

"Yes Ms."

The beautiful dark haired woman entered the pool house with a stack of documents in her hands.

"I thought we could take a look at the renovation plans." Smiling, she placed the documents at the table in front of Alec.

"Of course Ms. But as I've told you before, there is no need to renovate the pool house. I'm quite comfortable with the way it is now."

"Nonsense. I take much pride in making sure my staff has everything they require. And this place," The woman gestured around the room, "just isn't good enough to be a permanent living space. Unfortunately, that means you'll have to stay in the guestroom in the house for a short while, but it will be worth it in the end, I promise."

Smiling, Alec reached over and squeezed her hand. Already, in this short span of time, Ms. Belcourt was beginning to feel a lot like family.

"Thank you Ms. Belcourt. It means a lot to me."

"you are welcome. I want this place to reflect your personality, because I'm selfish enough to hope you'll stay here for a very long time." She began scattering the papers all over the table. "oh, and by the way, please call me Camille."


Last night had been wild, he remembered that much. Magnus had woken up in a strangers apartment with some hot guy's body sprawled out on top of him. The guy was fast asleep.

A grin spread on his face when he noticed the state the apartment was in. It showed clear signs of last nights escapades. The memories slowly came back to him. He had gone out to some opening of a new club where he had met this handsome guy. A guy that could help him drown out the thoughts of Alexander. And that was exactly what he had done. Not because Magnus had feelings for Alexander, no of course not, but because he had been the greatest fuck of his life, and now he was left searching for someone that could match him. Although he hadn't found it yet.

The guy had turned out to be someone that didn't care if others saw him in sexual situations. And that had of course led to them being thrown out of the club due to fucking in public.

Then they had gone back to his place where they had continued their "act". Magnus remembered being pushed against the door outside of the apartment. The guy had pulled his pants down, just below his ass and then stuffed his dick inside of him. It had been glorious. And Alexander had only appeared in his thoughts once or twice while fucking the other guy. The fact that he had pretended it was Alec that was screwing him, didn't count.

After being fucked outside the apartment, they had also gone at it in the shower, on his desk and bend over the dresser.

Their clothes were scattered all over the place, and a lot of the guy's things had ben pushed of the furniture and was now on the floor. Not all of it had survived the trip to the ground.

Magnus slowly climbed out from underneath the guy and found his clothes. There was no need to stay around until the guy woke up. He didn't even know his name anyway. And it wasn't important either. In Magnus' mind he would always be Alexander.

When Magnus finally arrived at the house he had now moved into, his father was waiting.

Great! Just what I fucking need!

"Magnus, you can't keep doing this." His Father, Asmodeus, placed the iPad in his hand, showing the newest pictures of Magnus being indiscreet with the man from last night. "You really need to dial things down. Or at least try to hide your... indiscretions a little better."

Chuckling, Magnus pushed the iPad against his fathers chest and let go, before Asmodeus had gotten a hold of it. Causing him to try and catch it before it hit the ground.

"I don't want to dial things down, dad, I want to keep going just as I do right now. Its fun, it feels fucking good, and it's a hell of a workout." Magnus winked at his father and walked towards the stairs, knowing well that his words would push his father over the edge. He had always had a bad temper when it came to his provocative son.

"God damnit Magnus! I'm not kidding around here! Get you act together!"

"Or what?!"

Magnus spun around on the spot. Even though he knew his actions ever since Alec left, had been immature and way too self-destructing, Magnus couldn't help but getting pissed. That was how he reacted to everything these days. Anger was his only ally. And he didn't know how to stop being angry. Only when he was screwing some stranger, he could quiet the storm in his head.

"Or you don't leave me any other choice than to remove you from the company."

"Fire me? You would fire me for sleeping around? Seriously?"

"No. I would fire you for jeopardizing my company's reputation. You are a part of this firms face to the public eye and I need a certain behavior from you in public and on social media."

Knowing all to well that his father actually had a point, Magnus sighed and let his defense drop.

"Fine... what do you need me to do?"

"First off, I need you to stop running around with a different... uhm lover... every day. It would be best if you could go into a committed relationship. At least as far as the public knows. Whatever you do behind closed doors, is a different matter. As long as it stays behind closed doors, do you understand?"

"yes... I understand."


"So, I'm thinking that we could add on another room, so your sister could stay here once in a while. I know you guys are tight, and that it's difficult for you to not live as close by as you did before."

"She would love to have a room here, so she could visit. That would be incredible. Thank you Ms. Bel... I mean Camille."

"Don't mention it. I like your sister. She's incredible and really sweet."

"Cam! Are you here?"

The blood froze in Alec's veins. Magnus... Had he been imagining things, or was that Magnus' voice?

"Mags! I'm in the pool house. I'll be right out." Camille smiled brightly and turned towards Alec. "excuse me for a second. It's my old boyfriend. He was the love of my life, and still one of my closest friends. I'll be right back"

Alec could do nothing but nod. It was like his entire body and mind had stopped working.

"Mags, sweety, It's so nice to see you." Camille hugged Magnus tightly. "I thought I've heard rumors that you were in town"

Chuckling, Magnus hugged her back.

"And by rumors, you mean my daily appearance in the gossip columns, I presume.

"something like that. What brings you here?"

Alec was finally able to get his body to do as he wanted, and he rapidly closed the door. He didn't want to hear their happy reunion and he sure as hell didn't want Magnus to see him. But at the same time, Alec wasn't able to keep himself away completely, and he found himself peaking out trough the window.

A heartbroken sob escaped his lips as he saw them share a tender kiss.

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