Chapter 2

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#smutwarning #Blowjob #rimming #domination #analsex

It wasn't that Alec hadn't expected the house to be lathered with expensive furniture and a décor he wouldn't even be able to afford in his dreams, but it was just so much more than he could have ever imagined. Even the foyer was bigger than his current apartment.

Alec looked around with his mouth hanging open While Magnus had disappeared down the hall. He had never seen the Bane estate inside before. He was just a driver. His father had been inside once or twice and had told Alec about the place, but he had never imagined it to be this extravagant.

"Are you coming?"

Leaning casual against a doorframe Magnus had watched Alec for a couple of minutes after he had realized that he hadn't followed him into the study Magnus usually borrowed when he was staying with his parents.


With his head tilted upwards, Alec was caught in his own mind, wondering how the hell they cleaned that ceiling. Alec wasn't a short guy, but even if someone of similar height stood on his shoulders, they wouldn't be able to reach it.

I wonder if anyone have ever fell down and broken their neck, trying to clean the damn thing.

"Alec! Are you still with me?"

Now standing beside him, Magnus placed one hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Oh fuck.. sorry... I think I just zoned out for a bit."

"Yeah, no shit. Come on, I want that contract signed before letting you leave this house."

Magnus winked at him before heading towards the study once more. This time Alec followed. Still mesmerized by the size and luxury of the house.

"Uhm... I've got one question..."

Sitting at the desk Magnus pulled out a form before looking up at Alec.

"What do you want to ask, Mr. Lightwood?"

Magnus gestured towards the chair on the opposite side of the desk. Slowly, Alec placed himself in the chair, almost like he was afraid of breaking it. Magnus found it quite endearing.

"How are we going to do this?"

A playful smile appeared on Magnus' lips as he slowly trailed his eyes over Alec's body before Alec realized what he had said.

"I didn't mean it like that..." Alec's cheeks flushed as Magnus threw his head back and began laughing.

"oh god, this is so embarrassing." Alec mumbled as he hid his face in his hands.

"Don't be embarrassed. I know you wasn't talking about the sexual part..." Magnus licked his lips while mentally undressing Alec. "because there's no doubt in my mind you know exactly how to do that."

With a face that was deep red, Alec tried to get the conversation back on track. Just as much as he loved to fuck, suck and everything in between, he hated talking about it. He had never been used to talk about sexual things. It was something he had never done with anyone. Sex was something you did... not something you talked about. But clearly Magnus wasn't as shy...

"what I meant was, what is my job going to be, now that you don't live here? Am I going to move?"

Tearing his eyes away from Alec's body, Magnus leaned closer over his desk.

"Actually, the reason I am here, is because I'm taking over most of my father's business. He wanted to have more time with my mother, and I wanted more responsibility in the company. So, I've bought a house a few blocks away."

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