Chapter 11

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Waking up, Alec felt that this was an amazing morning. He couldn't stop smiling because he had had the best dream in his life. His guess was that it was aspired by yesterday's breakthrough between him and Magnus. Even though the day before that, had been awful and soul crushing, the fact that Magnus had been there for him had truly moved Alec. Magnus had not only taken care of him when he was heartbroken, but he had stayed the night. Watching over him. And then they had proceeded to have an amazing evening by the pool and not to mention the shower afterwards. Alec no longer had any doubts that the man liked him too. He just needed to figure out, if it would be possible tor them to be something more than just two guys liking each other on the downlow. Alec wanted the change to be with Magnus publicly and he would love for his mom to get the chance to meet him before she...

Alec closed his eyes and swallowed a couple of times. Fighting the emotions that was linked closely to the thoughts of his mother's prognoses and the choice she had to make. He didn't want to dwell on it right now. He wanted to stay happy a little longer. To remember the dream and how it had made him feel.


Magnus stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner for their family. Alec had just arrived from work and loved watching his husband care for the kids.

"hi honey, did you have a good day?" Magnus dried his hands in the apron as he  walked over to greet Alec with a kiss, when he noticed his husband standing in the doorway, smiling with a tender gleam in his eyes as he had watched Magnus chopping onions.

"it was fine, but it is always better coming home to your." Alec grabbed Magnus waist and pulled him closer so he could deepen the kiss.

"watch those hands, mister, or we'll might get burned supper..." Magnus mumbled against Alec's lips.

"I don't care about the food, Magnus... you look so beautiful... irresistible actually..." Alec devoured Magnus' lips once more. Kissing him untill he nearly melted away in Alec's arms

"DAD! You're home!!!!" A young toddler threw himself at Alec and grasped his legs while he clasped him fiercely. "Daddy said you'd might not be home to eat with us today." Magnus released Alec and went back to the stove, as Alec lifted up the young boy.

"Hi kiddo... Well, dad thought he had to work late, but he missed you, daddy and your sister too much, so he took his work home with him instead. And that's why Daddy thought Dad wouldn't make it home in time."

"Are you going to work from home like daddy too?" The boy's eyes sparkled with delight of the possibility that both their dads would be home every day.

"sorry kiddo. Just tonight. Dads work can't be made from home. Dad can't build houses from our living room." Sulking, the boy squeezed his dad tighter. "But I'll always be home in time to say goodnight, I promise. And most nights I'll be home to have dinner with you as well."

"Thanks dad. I love you." The boy kissed Alec on his cheek and hugged him one last time before he wanted to be put down.

"I love you too kiddo. Now go get you sister."

The boy ran down the hall screaming his sisters name followed by "dad's home"

"you do know what you just promised him, right?"

"yeah... and I'm going to keep my promises. No more long nights. I'll delegate some of the planning of the constructions to my staff. I think theyu are ready."

"Of course they are. With you as a boss." Magnus kissed Alec lightly "but make sure to give it time. Don't rush it. It takes time to start a business on your own, and your staff needs time to get the hang of it."

"Thanks Mags. If anyone knows something about running a business, its you. It's so impressing that you can do most of your work from home. And I appreciate the sacrifice you have made so I could get my construction business up and running. I love you so much."

"Eeeww... stop being so cheesy..." The girl, who was about ten, looked at them while pretending to be disgusted by her parents' obvious love for each other.

"But munchkin..." Alec slowly moved closer to the girl, who instantly knew what was coming. "I also love you...!" With a devious smile, Alec leaped after her and the girl gave a playful scream before running away with Alec right behind her. Trying to catch her and smother her with kisses. The young boy ran right behind them, joining in on the game.

Magnus grinned while yelling at his family to stop being so childish, but his words had no deep meaning to them. He loved seeing his husband and kids running around.

When Alec finally had caught his daughter and kissed her all over her face, he had told but children to go wash their hands before dinner, and then walked back into the kitchen. Alec placed himself behind Magnus and hugged him.

"I really do love you, Magnus. More than I can ever say. You, and the kids... you are everything to me..."

"I love you too, Alexander...and I've been thinking... what do you say to get one more kid?"

"It sounds perfect."


"what is that goofy smile about?"

Magnus had turned around to watch Alec when he had felt him stir in the bed. His emotions had been so clear, how they had gone from happy to sad to crazy happy.

"oh, nothing important." Alec smirked and kissed Magnus when he turned towards him. "I just had a great dream about my future."

"really...? was I in it...?"

"do you want to be?"

Magnus reached over and intertwined his fingers with Alec's. "very much so..."

"then it's good, you were in it."

"do you want to tell me about it?"

"not yet..." leaning over, Alec kissed Magnus tenderly, before continuing. "I just don't want to jinx it..."

"fair enough. I can wait."

A knock on the door, drew their attention away from each other.

"Boys, are you awake? I really need to talk to Alec."

"Just a second Camille." Alec stood up and began dressing.

"Good. Because I think we have a problem..."

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