Chapter 38

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With closed eyes, Jonathan enjoyed the evening sun on his face. He had truly come to like this place. Why would he ever leave? He had everything he needed right here. Nice people to talk to. People who were just like his. Who understood his deepest and darkest desires. And how he sometimes was controlled by a hunger for sex that he couldn't satisfy. They all had tried it too.

Speaking of a hunger for sex... Jonathan let his eyes wander over the people surrounding him. He was most definitely hungry for sex right now. But sex with the right person. With him. A shiver ran through Jonathan's body as he got lost in the memory of his hands running down his body. Caressing... exploring... clutching. Nails digging into his skin. Complete perfection.

"Jonathan...? Are you still with us?" The nice young girl sitting next to him, had her hand on his shoulder. Concern covering her face.

"yes. I'm here. I just drifted off for a second." Jonathan smiled at her, letting her know that he was fine, but she still looked a little anxious. Or maybe excited? Jonathan wasn't sure.

"um okay... if you say so... but you might wanna hide that, before the nurses see..." She nodded towards his crotch and Jonathan realized he was hard. Undeniably hard.

The girl glanced around quickly before whispering.

"I can't see any of the nurses. So, you have a little time to kill that boner. Or you know they will isolate you again."

"crap..." Jonathan crossed his legs to hide the bulge in his pants. He hated being isolated, but that was what happened if someone saw. Especially after the first week he was here. He had been having extreme withdrawals and then he had convinced one of the other patients to fuck at the bathroom. Of course, they had been caught and now the staff didn't trust him if they saw him feeling slightly aroused.

"Shit... you better do something fast. One of the night-nurses is coming over."

"fuck!" panic hit Jonathan hard, and he had no idea how he was going to kill his boner that fast. He had no other choice than hope that he could conceal it.

"Hi. How are you guys doing tonight?" The male nurse stopped right next to Jonathan with a tray in his hands. A tray with the small cups with their medication and water.

"fine thanks." The girl spoke quickly, trying to get the guys attention on her.

"and what about you, Mr. Morgenstern?"

Jon smiled the best he could and nodded at the guy. Why the hell did it have to be him? It wasn't exactly helping his condition right now.

The nurse glanced down and licked his lips slightly. Holding his breath, Jonathan blushed. It was clear he had seen it. And now Jonathan couldn't do anything else but wait to see if he would be punished or not.

"Can I have my pills?"

The girl tore both men out of their trance and the nurse handed her the cup, and then the water when she had swallowed the pills. With slight hesitation he offered Jonathan his too.

"Can I skip the sleeping pills tonight?"

"and why would you want to do that, Mr. Morgenstern?" He let his eyes wander down Jonathan body. "is there something you would like to stay awake for...?" His voice dropped an octave as he spoke.

"yes..." Jonathan's answer was nothing but a whisper. Only loud enough for the man to hear.

Then the man smiled and removed one pill from the cup before handing it to Jonathan. And he watched him closely as Jonathan slowly swallowed the medication.


"Babe! Are you there?"

Alec came rushing through the door, slamming it open so fast, that the pictures nearly fell from the wall.

"Hey! You yell at me when I do that."

With his computer still placed on his lap, Sam complained.

"you just concentrate on your homework, Sam." Magnus walked over to the exited Alec. "but the kid is right Alexander."

"Sorry..." Alec apologized while looking at Magnus with hooded eyes. Knowing exactly wat it did to his boyfriend.

Magnus sighed. That man knew precisely how to make him weak in his knees, but he wasn't going to let him of that easily.

"I'm not the only one you need to apologize to..." Magnus nodded towards Sam that was still trying t do his homework.

Leaning in, Alec kissed Magnus swiftly and then walked down at sat down besides Sam.

"Sorry Kiddo."

Magnus grinned proudly. Thinking he had won. He hadn't let Alec get away with everything just because he was hot, and beautiful, and sexy as hell....

"I wont ever yell at you for slamming the door."

The smile disappeared from Magnus' face.

"That Was not what I meant Alexander!"

Alec Grinned and winked at Sam he couldn't stop grinning too. He liked that his dads always had those kind of cute fights. He loved it actually. It proved just how much they loved each other, and it was nothing like how his parents had been.

"Then you need to be way more specific..."

Rolling his eyes, Magnus joined the others on the couch.

"so, what was so important that you had to ruin my wall?"

"It's not ruined... don't be so dramatic" Alec leaned over and kissed Magnus tenderly before showing him the letter he had in his hand.  "I got in, Mags. I got excepted. I'm getting an education!"

"Oh my god Alexander! I'm so proud of you!" Magnus flung himself around Alec's neck, hugging him tightly.

"go! Call your sister! She's gonna scream so loud."

Grinning from ear to ear, Alec got up and found his phone.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a Social worker..."

"I can. It's perfect for you."

Sam Nodded in agreement and Alec smiled happily at his family as he dialed to number to his sister. He couldn't wait to tell her. He couldn't have done it without her.

Hi guys.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. As some of you already know, I'm going to be joining a writing competition here on Wattpad called the ONC. This means the I'm focusing a lot on my energy there in hopes that it will trigger my writing skills again. (it worked last year)

I have decided that I'm not writing a fanfiction but an original story in the competition, because im going to be writing about some pretty dark stuff. I think. I'm still planning it out, but I feel its to dark for a fanfiction. But I hope you'll support me anyways.

I'll try to write some chapters for this story too, while I'm writing my Novella.

Love, Ayana

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