Chapter 9

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I just really wanted to get this chapter out before I went to bed, so I'm sorry if there's a lot of mistakes.

- Ayana

Waking up, Alec realized he had spent the entire night in Magnus' embrace and despite the horrible day he had yesterday, he had never slept better in his life. He liked feeling Magnus' chest rising and falling beneath him with every sleeping breath, so Alec decided that he didn't have to get up just yet. He was sure that Camille would understand. Alec nuzzled into Magnus neck and breathed in that scent that he had began recognizing as Magnus personal scent. No cologne or anything like that. Just Magnus. Delicious Magnus.

Alec had never spent the night with someone before. Night like that, anyway. He had slept in the same bed with someone, but they had turned their backs on each other after sex. And he had never really had any need for being this close to someone ever before. But now, Alec wasn't sure how to go without sleeping this close to someone.

Not someone... Magnus...

A satisfied grunt came from Magnus as he stretched and pulled Alec closer, only half awake. Alec couldn't help but smile against the skin on Magnus' neck.

"good morning..." Magnus mumbled without opening his eyes.


That single word that was spoken against Magnus' skin send pleasurable vibrations through Magnus' entire body and shivers down his spine.

"Do you want to talk about yesterday?"

Absentminded, Alec drew patterns on Magnus' chest with his fingertips. "no, not really... is that okay?"

"of course it is." Magnus ran his fingers through Alec's hair. "just know that you can speak to me any time you want. I'm going to leave my home number, and my work number so you can get in touch me anytime in the day. And I expect you to use those numbers, even if you don't want to talk about yesterday. Just call me anyways. Okay?"

Smiling against Magnus' neck, Alec nodded.

S,o this is how it feels when someone is looking out for you...

It wasn't that his parents were bad parents who didn't look out for him. Not at all, but ever since he had gotten older, he had taken it upon himself to be the strong one. The one that always made sure everyone else was alright. His sister, his mother and his father. Even his friends. And he had never really though he needed someone to take care of him, but apparently he did. Or maybe he didn't, but he wanted it. He liked it.

Magnus wrote his private number on the back of his business card that he had fished out of the pocket in his pants that lay on the floor.

"Use it." Magnus handed Alec the card and he took it gratefully.

A knock sounded at the door, and for a second Alec's old habits nearly got the best of him. He almost jumped out of bed, but remembered that there was no need to hide. He nuzzled back in and told Camille to enter.

"How are you feeling?" Camille looked at them, and Alec noticed that she didn't seem bothered by seeing the two of them snuggling in bed.

"Better, thank you..."

"Good... I'm glad. You had me worried... your sister is downstairs."

"Is she alright?" Concern pinched Alec's brow and he rapidly got out of bed and began dressing.

"Yes, she seems fine. I just think she needs to talk to you, so I thought that you two could go out for breakfast."

"Would that be okay? Don't you need me to drive you too work?"

"I'll figure it out Alec. Go spend some time with your sister. And I'll see you tonight."

"Thank you."

Camille left and walked downstairs to let Izzy know that Alec was on his way.

"I've got to go... "placing one knee on the bed, Alec leaned in and kissed Magnus, before he realized what he was doing. It had all just felt so right, that he hadn't even thought that It might be awkward to kiss Magnus goodbye when they weren't a couple. But Magnus didn't mind. He only kissed Alec back and even continued the kiss when he felt Alec tense up. He didn't stop kissing him before Alec relaxed again.

"go see your sister, Alexander. I'll see you later." Magnus kissed Alec one last time, before letting him go, and it took a great deal of restraint not to say "I love you" as Alec left the room.


When Alec came back to the house, it was late in the afternoon. At first he thought no one was home, but as he made his way upstairs he heard moaning coming from Camille's room. Nausea hit him as images of Magnus and Camille together flooded his mind.

Alec ran too his room and closed his door, trying to drown out the sounds and the images in his head, but it wasn't possible. He began pacing back and forth, struggling to calm himself down.

It can't be Magnus, it just can't. I don't believe it...

But no matter how much he tried to convince himself it wasn't Magnus, the feeling of being betrayed wouldn't go away.

"He's not my boyfriend. It's not cheating." Alec stopped his pacing, grabbed the edge of the dresser so hard his knuckles turned white while staring into the mirror. "officially, he is her boyfriend so stop being so goddamn pathetic, Lightwood!"

But glaring at his own reflection while reprimanding himself, didn't work either. In the end Alec fled to the balcony. At least he wouldn't be able to hear them out there. Or so he thought. Apparently, they were much louder than Alec had thought.

For a second, he thought about flinging himself of the balcony. If he aimed for the pool he probably wouldn't get hurt. But then he noticed someone sitting at a chair on the small balcony next to his, reading a book.

"Magnus?" Alec couldn't believe it, but it was him. He was just sitting there casually reading a book with earplugs in, listening to music.


Snapping his head up, Magnus finally noticed Alec and took out his earplugs.

"Alexander, you are back."

"yes... why are you sitting out here?"

"do you have to ask..." Magnus nodded against the source of the moaning.

"no I mean... who's in there with Camille?"

Magnus shrugged. "The Gartner... the pool boy... I don't know... Someone she trusts wont tell anyone. Wait..." closing his book, Magnus looked at Alec with a sly smile. "did you think it was me in there?"

"No." Alec looked down at his feet. Slightly embarrassed. "maybe..."

"oh my sweet Alexander... I told you, I'm not with Camille. It's a pretend relationship. What will it take for you to believe me?"

"I believe you." When Magnus looked at Alec knowingly, he changed his answer. " I believe in you now."

"Glad to hear it." Magnus emerged from his chair. "why don't we go sit by the pool. It's much cozier. And quieter."

"sure. Sounds perfect. Just let me change. See you down there."

With a big smile on his face, Alec hurried inside to change into his swimming trunks.

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