Chapter 43

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Months had passed by without seeing Alec, and it almost made Jonathan sick to his stomach when he thought about it, but his boyfriend made it all worthwhile. They were still a secret but not for long. He was getting out today, and then they could be a real couple. They had talked about it last night.

"baby, what's wrong?" The man caressed Jon's body. He could be so sweet sometimes. Jon shivered underneath his touch. He loved the way he made him feel. Loved. Appreciated. Worthy.

"it's just... I can't stop thinking about Alec. I know you don't like him..."

"Stop it!" Jon flinched when the man removed his hand forcefully from Jonathan's body. Fearing his boyfriend's rage, and the pain that usually followed. "I told you not to talk about him!"

"ye-yes. I'm sorry..."

Just as fast as his mood had changed, the man smiled lovingly at Jonathan.

"good. He isn't good for you. I don't want you around him. He's poison. He is just using you. Like before. And when he's done, he's going to cast you aside. You know, he was the reason you got lost in drugs. He doesn't care about you."

"I-I know."

It was hard for Jonathan to admit he was right about Alec, but he had made a fair point. They had talked about it for hours once. How Alec had used him for sex and then just left him. How he had made Jonathan fall in love with him, just to fulfill his own needs.

"I don't think you can ever be happy before you are free of him."

"free? Wat do you mean?"

"I mean, get rid of him. Remove him from the face of the earth."

"I-I cant do that." Jonathan stammered. Getting rid of Alec? How could he ever be able to do that?

"I didn't know I was dating a weakling." Jonathan's boyfriend left the bed and began to get dressed. "I can't be with someone who wont do whatever it takes to be happy with me."

As he began to walk towards the door, Jonathan begged.

"No, please don't go. Don't go. I need you. I can't live without you..."

"Then you know what to do."

"I... I do..." The man turned around, looking at the pleading Jonathan. "I won't kill him. Death is too good for him..."

"then what?" The man looked pleased, and Jonathan liked that. He lived for pleasing him. He only hesitated for a moment. Why should he sacrifice his own happiness for Alec, when Alec had ignored him, when he had needed him the most.

"I'll kill Magnus. And make it look like it was Alec. He'll go to prison. To live in a cage and mourn the love of his life forever."

The man smiled proudly, and Jonathan beamed under his loving gaze.

"Brilliant. That's my good boy..." The man returned to the bed and held Jonathan in his arms. "Such a good boy... I'm so proud of you." He caressed Jonathan's hair, and the young man nearly purred under the touch. "do it tomorrow when you get out. Then we can be together."

Jonathan swallowed thickly before putting the bag with his belongings over his shoulder.

"It has been nice to get to know you Mr. Morgenstern. Stay safe out there."

The Manager waved as Jonathan left the building.

Now, I need to begin my plan...


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