Chapter 32

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#addiction #prostitution #talk of suicide

Sex had always been his go to move. If he was happy - he craved sex. If he was sad - sex was the cure. If he was angry - rough sex made him feel better. If he was broken - sex made him whole again. For a while anyway. And the thing with him was, that he was always broken. He always needed sex. In any form. Even when he was being used, he loved it. And he knew how fucked up that made him, but he didn't care. He had found a way to cope with life. To go on living without wanting to kill himself every five seconds. Now, he only thought about suicide in the mornings when he had to get out of bed. But knowing he could go to the club and be desired by countless men and woman helped him manage to get out of bed.

And today was no different. Getting up had been almost impossible. But then his phone made the sweet, sweet sound that informed him that he had gotten a text. And he knew who it was from, even before he opened it. His best friend. Or something like that. He wasn't really sure they were friends. Maybe just addicts that helped each other stay alive. Her addiction was drugs. His was intimacy. Human contact. Preferably naked.

The young man smiled as he read the words on his phone.

I need money. I'll blow you for twenty.

One thing was sure. The girl was just as fucked up as him. Maybe even more. But what the hell, who was he to judge? Besides, he had to be stupid to say no to a descent blowjob.

Don't worry. Ive got you, girl. Come on over.

It didn't even take ten minutes before she was there. And she looked like shit. She was clearly going through a crashdown.

"hey girl. Come on in and put those lips to use." The young man removed his boxers as she made her way over to the bed, avoiding all the stuff that was scattered around on the floor in the crappy apartment that he called home.

"thanks man. I really need a fix."

As she wrapped her lips around his engorged shaft, the young man closed his eyes in pure bliss. Normally he preferred men. and being the one who gave the blowjob, but once in a while, it was nice to be taken care of. It always made him think about... well, someone that he shouldn't think about. But he couldn't quite help himself. A silent moan worked its way up through his throat, and he had to bite his lip to prevent himself from moaning the name.

The girl bobbed her head eagerly. Sucking and swallowing expertly. And he sure as hell didn't complain. It was fucking good. It just needed a little something else to be great.

The young man reached down and grabbed her hands. He placed them on his sides and pushed her nails into his skin. She quickly understood, and dug her nails into him. Causing blood to trickle down his body. The whimpers escaped his lips as his body trembled and his orgasm rippled through him.

When he finally came down from his high, he reached into his nightstand and pulled out the money he owed her. She took them rapidly and stuffed them into her bra before getting up and ready to leave again.

"Hey." The young man popped up on his elbows. "come with me to the club. I'll pay for your fix."

"Sure. Why not. But I need something now. Go take a shower. I'll be back in ten." With that she left the tiny apartment and he climbed under the covers once more. There was no need to get up before she was back.


One of the rules that Alec and Magnus came up with was, that at least once a week, they would take a couple of hours for themselves. They arranged for Izzy and Jace to take turns in having the kids stay over for one night a week. As much as it could be possible. It had proven to be a great deal for them all. The kids loved having sleepovers and Izzy and Jace enjoyed having the kids over. They actually almost fought over who's turn it was to get the kids. So sometimes Alec and Magnus had two nights a week fir themselves. And they sure didn't complain about that.

They used the time to nurse their relationship and to explore the sexual aspects of their newly found BDSM connection. They shifted between making love as an equal couple and being master and slave, where Alec ruled their sexual encounters with a firm grip. And on occasion, Magnus was the one in control. Exploring Alec's boundaries. Magnus' kink was to overstimulate the pleasure he provided Alec with. He loved driving his man to the edge and pull him back slightly before nearly pushing him over once again. And Alec enjoyed it tremendously. He happily gave himself over to Magnus. Body and soul.

"Alexander, I have an idea."

"Yeah?" Alec caressed the skin on his boyfriends back and left a trail of kissed all the way down to his perky ass cheeks.

Moaning slightly, Magnus shuffled his naked body closer to Alec's lips. They had just finished making love. And as always, they both craved even more. Once was never enough.

"I thought I could take you to the club..." Magnus pushed his ass up, trying to get Alec to tongue him, but nothing happened. Finally, Magnus looked over his shoulder to see what Alec was doing. His boyfriend stared at him with shock plastered all over his face.

"are you serious? You want me to come? That would be fucking great Magnus! I've wanted to go with you for so long!"

"yes of course I do. I just wanted you to be comfortable in your role as a Dom first." Magnus wiggled his ass a little. "and now please use that tongue of yours, or I'll might change my mind about the club."

"You wouldn't..." Alec scowled at Magnus, but still did as instructed. Afterall he loved eating Magnus' ass as much as Magnus loved to be eaten.

"God, that tongue will be the death of me..."

With a smile on his lips, Alec grabbed Magnus' hips, and held him in place as he thrusted his tongue deeper inside him. Making Magnus scream from pleasure.

So, I've tried something a little new for my normal writingstyle, but i want to see waht you think of it :)

Im sorry if this chapter is confusing, but it'll make sence soon. I promise :)

- Ayana

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