

It's been a week. 1 week from the mission. 1 week since Lance's closed his eyes. 1 week since he stopped responding. 1 week since Lance was put in a pod. 1 week since he told Keith he loved him.

Keith stared at the pod that held Lance. Everyday, he'd come down to the medical wing, sit by the pod and talk softly about his day. Sometimes he'd walk in on Hunk or Pidge, so they'd sit together silently. The war will not stop because their red paladin was out of commission. Unable to form Voltron, the team was just barely winning. At first, Keith had refused to do anything else but wait, but as the leader of Voltron he did not have that luxury. He told in detail what had happened, leaving out their last conversation. No one pushed it, sensing something had occurred during those last moments between the two.

Pidge and Coran called everyone to the medical wing with some news.

"As we all know, due to the hit Lance took to the head, his brain was hurt. He has been put into a coma-induced sleep to help heal both his brain and body. There's no knowing for sure when he's waking up." Pidge tells them with a shaky voice. Hunk shakes his head, covering his mouth with a hand. Keith's fists are clenched tightly, trying not to let his despair show. Coran and Pidge had some time in advance to take in the information, but they too wore an expression of pain. Allura squeezes her eyes tightly, giving herself a hug. Everyone joins in on a group hug.

After a moment, they broke away, letting Pidge talk. "I did a scan of his brain, and thankfully the damage isn't anything the pod can't heal. With time of course. The pod will give Lance the nutrition he needs as long as he's in there. We are all incredibly lucky he's not brain dead. There is still some activity." Coran piped up. "The most we can do is keep his body healthy and hope. This war will not stop for us, so we'll have to find a way around this."

Everyone nodded their heads, too choked up to speak. They'd have to get through this. Somehow.

...Lance's POV...

I open my eyes to nothing. There is nothing around me, above me, below me, anywhere. I vaguely remember anything, but somehow I know how to move and everything. I try to focus on remembering anything.

I see huge mechanical lions. Red and Blue. They are mine, just as I am theirs. Their what? They are magnificent. The red one opens its mouth, so I walk in. I have no control over what I am doing, but I know this is what I should do. I'm guided over to a chair with controls spread out in front of me. They are familiar...but I'm at a loss of what each one does. My hands go to the two joystick controls on either side of me. As soon as contact is made, the inside light up red, I feel the lion stand up and roar. I know this...I've done this countless times before. Why can I not remember?!

Connect. She wants me to see through her eyes. Red. My lion. Her paladin. I am the lion. Our consciousness is connected as one and I understand she wants to show me something. I give in, letting the lion into my mind. She shows me flashes of someone's life. I know this...This is so goddamn INFURIATING! She shows me people hanging around at a beach, they all look like me. They are my family, on Veradero beach. I lived in Cuba before...I remember it now. I remember mi familia, my siblings, parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles...It's all coming back to me now. But somehow, I know this was my own doing. These memories are mine, the lion simply gave me a boost.

Everything is coming back to me now. I see everything before my eyes as if I'm reliving the moments. I know. Going to the Garrison, meeting Hunk and Pidge, training to be a fighter class pilot. Failing. I was never good enough. Always second place. Keith's shadow. Then after Keith dropped out, finding Blue, forming Voltron, saving planets. Fighting the Galra. But at last, I remember fighting...falling...immense pain. I remember Keith talking to me, crying. He begged me to stay awake. I couldn't stay awake. I made Keith cry. As in the badass, emo, mullet-headed, ever stoic leader of Voltron. Cry. Me...I made him cry. I failed to stay awake. I failed him. Because that's what I do, right? I live to disappoint! I fail people, myself, everyone. Because I'm Lance McClain, Voltron's most expendable paladin, the failure.

Langst - Klance oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें