AJ sniffled. "I hate you!" She yelled running into the bathroom.

Dean sat down running his hand through his hair. Sami took a seat across from him digging into his food. "She didn't mean that, bro. She's just upset. Trust me. She'll get over it." Dean pushed his food to the side, losing his appetite. A piece of paper hit the floor. The note read 'Dear, Dean. I'm going out tonight for a few hours. I'll be back before 12. Don't worry about me, baby. I'll be fine. Love❤-AJ.'

About 20-25minutes went by and AJ was still in the bathroom crying. Dean got up and knocked on the door. "AJ? Come out and eat. You're foods getting cold." he knocked again. "Stop being a baby AJ and come outta there." no response. "AJ?" he opened the door, "Son of a- She's not here!"

"What do you mean she's not here?" Sami went into the bathroom. "Shit. The window. It's okay. We'll just pick her up from the party and bring her back here." Dean grabbed his keys and Sami followed him out the door.
"So you snuck out the window?"

"What else was I supposed to do? Dean wasn't going to let me go."

Finn kept his eyes on the road trying his best not to stare at how beautiful AJ looked. "I don't feel right about this. Dean's gonna be so pissed when he finds out that you're with me and that I'm helping you get to the party."

"He's already pissed. What's the worse he's gonna do?" AJ scoffed.

Finn gave a worried look remembering what AJ told him about Dean slapping her the last time he was mad. "I should take you back. A party isn't worth all this trouble."

"Finn. No. We're almost at Summer's just keep driving and once we get there we'll be able to enjoy ourselves." A few minutes went by and the duo found themselves in front of Summer Rae's 3 story house. "Wow that's a huge house. Let's go!"
"She said it was The Bella's party right?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. It's their birthdays today."

They looked out the window of the car, "Then why is their house empty?"

"You don't think they're having it at someone else's place do you?"

"Dammit!" Dean punched the steering wheel. "Are we going to have to drive to all of their houses to see who's throwing the party?"

Sami groaned. "Looks like it to me."
"I'm so glad you guys were able to make it!" Summer hugged them. AJ pulled the presents out of her bag. "I'll take those and put them on the table with the rest of the presents. Enjoy the party you two!"

AJ looked around in awe. It looked like everyone from school was there. She spotted the Uso's and their girlfriends, Layla, Mitchell, Sasha, Alexa, Vinny, Cameron, Nattie, Tyson, John and Daniel. The list goes on and on. When they said only cool people were invited they really meant it. This party was beyond awesome.

AJ danced until it felt like her feet would fall off even when her legs went numb she still kept going. There was no way she wasn't going to live this night to the fullest. Might as well party as hard as she could before she went back home.
"We're out of gas? Are you serious?" Sami yelled.

"It's not my fault that I forgot to fill up! I've had a lot on my plate lately."

"Where's the nearest gas station?"

"A mile down the road."

"We're going to have to push you're car up the hill you know that right?"

"How can this day get any worse?!"
"How could this day get any better?" AJ cheered.

"Alright guys and gals listen up!" Dolph said getting everyone's attention. "We've had our fun and the nights still young. But tonight is not about us. It's about those two young ladies right there." Dolph pointed to The Bella Twins.

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