I can do bad all by myself

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A/N: when you see the ▶ while you're reading that's your cue to play the song. But if you want to play it from the beginning of the ch. that's fine too.
-Dater High School-

AJ walked down the halls trying not to make eye contact with the students and teachers around her. Every time that she would look up she'd see people staring at her and whispering to each other. She just wanted this entire school year to be done with already so she wouldn't have to deal with the entire school bothering her anymore. AJ made her way to her locker and started piling books in.

The sound of high heels started clicking her way, "Well well well. Look who finally came to school." Nikki said, slamming AJ's locker shut.

"Awww did Dean Ambrose get tired of you and kick you to the curb?" Summer laughed.

"Please, Summer. Do you really think Dean would let someone like her come into his home and not get something out of it?" Brie questioned.

"So tell us AJ. How soft is Dean Ambrose's bed?" Nikki taunted, pushing AJ into the lockers.

"It wasn't like that..." AJ croaked.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Summer lifted AJ's head up with her manicured finger.

"I never did anything with him. I'm telling you the truth!" AJ yelled. She would soon regret doing so because she caught the attention of the entire hallway.

"Who do you think you are to be talking to us like that?" Nikki slapped her, making AJ drop her stuff. Which made the crowd 'Ooooo'

A teacher poked their head out of the class room. "What in gods name is going on out here?" Mrs.Guerrero asked.

The Bella's and Summer looked at each other trying to think of something to say.

"Nothing. I dropped my stuff and they were helping pick it up." AJ lied.

Mrs.Guerrero looked suspicious at the girls but shrugged it off, going back into her classroom.

▶AJ kneeled down to pick up her things only to get them walked on by the 'classy' trio. It could have been worse. She thought. AJ made her way through the gossiping crowd to get to her class. That's when she ran into the one person she didn't want to see. Randy Orton.

"So you're just going to ignore me now?" Randy questioned as AJ passed him by in the halls.

"I thought you don't like being seen with me in public."

"AJ, that doesn't matter anymore."

"Anymore?! It shouldn't have mattered in the first place! If you really loved me you wouldn't have cared what other people said about us being together."

Randy looked down at his angry ex-girlfriend. "You're making things harder than they need to be.I came to tell you that I broke up with Kim. AJ, I want to be with you."

AJ rolled her eyes and scoffed. Yeah, Randy was super attractive and all the girls wanted him but what did he actually do for her? Nothing. "Well Randall,it's to late for that."

Randy was going to respond until his buddy Cody Rhodes barged into their conversation. He threw his arm over Randy's shoulder, "Sup, Randy. What are you doing talking to her?"

Randy glared at AJ then smirked, "Nothing. She just came up to me and threw herself at me asking me to sleep with her."

Cody looked at AJ, "That's pathetic. Even for someone like you."

Oh, how AJ wanted to rip both of their faces off. She didn't mean to say these words but they just came out. "Oh, I'm the one asking for sex? Last I recall you were the one who came to me and got me pregnant!"

"WHAT?!" Randy and Cody yelled at the same time.

"Yeah. You got me pregnant Randall Keith Orton." the entire hallway was starring at the broken up couple.

"Is that true?" Cody asked. "Randy, did you actually stoop so low to date AJ Lee?" Randy didn't answer. "Man, you look just as bad as she does."

"I was only with her cuz of what she had to offer. Do you really believe that I had any feelings for her?" Randy turned to the crowd, "Do any of you really think I'd go for someone as low in the food chain as AJ unless I got something I wanted out of it? She was easy. I used her! You hear that AJ?" he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I used you."

All of the students fell for Randy's words. They began pointing and laughing at AJ. She raised her hand and slapped the smirk off of his face.If there's one thing I learned from living with Dean it'd be speaking your mind no matter what anybody else thought of it "You know what i don't understand? What did I ever do to any of you to cause you to constantly mess with me? I'll tell you why you do, it's cuz you people are so miserable with yourselves that you see me as an easy target to bag on. Let me tell you this. I'm sick of it. I'm done! I don't need any of this! I don't need Randy! I don't need this school! And I sure as hell don't need any of you! Next time any of you want to give me your crap, you better think twice cuz I've been through a lot of shit and I'm not the same glass fragile girl that I used to be." She ranted, tilting her head to the side, staring at the crowd with big crazy eyes, "But keep in mind that even shattered glass; if you handle it wrong can cut you pretty deep." AJ felt a large weight lift from her shoulders after she got that off of her chest. She glared at Randy then brought his ear down to her level to whisper something to him " And by the way, I miscarried you worthless piece of crap." she hissed at him.

A couple of students were able to hear what she said but in a few hours everybody would know. Everyone looked at each other feeling the guilt weigh on them. Who knew that the most quiet girl in the entire school could turn into the most outspoken person of all. Before Randy could react to what AJ told him she was already out the front doors.

"Sami, are you sure these guys are going to be here?" Dean asked.

"Positive. They sell on this block all the time. They should be getting here real soon."

"They better hurry up cuz I have to go do my shift in about 2 hours." Dean said, referring to selling for his boss, Jack.

The boys waited in the alley for about 30 more minutes until they saw Corey Graves and Adrian Neville pull up to the building with graffiti on it. Sami and Dean pulled out steel bats, brass knuckles and a Louisville Slugger. They slammed their car doors loud enough to catch Corey and Adrian's attention.

"Who's there?" Adrian called out.

"If you know what's good for you- you'd show yourselves." Corey warned. The duo looked at each other and went into the alley only to get greeted by a steel bat to the back of their heads. The two boys tried picking themselves up from the concrete only to get punched in the face with brass knuckles.

Sami threw Adrian to the brick wall, kneeing him in the gut then clutched onto his long hair bringing Adrian's face slamming down onto Sami's knee. A crunching noise made itself clear once the tip of Adrian's nose smashed onto Sami's knee cap. The blood spewed from his nose and busted lip like venom.

Dean had Corey pinned to the ground, bringing his Louisville Slugger to the side of his jaw. Crimson blood dripped from Corey's mouth with each shot to the face. Dean grabbed him by his ears, slamming his head into the concrete. Corey struggled underneath him to try and claw at his eyes but nothing could stop an enraged Dean Ambrose. Once he started slamming Corey's head into the ground he couldn't stop.

"Hey who's out here?!" A tall man with a goatee and a black leather jacket yelled.

"Fuck..." Sami cursed. "Its Big Show! we gotta leave now!" Sami literally had to pull Dean by the hair to get him off of Corey and back into the car. They backed out of the alley, tires screeching, leaving Corey Graves and Adrian Neville in a pool of their own blood.

A/N: Okay. TBH I had some trouble writing this chapter and didn't know where to go with it. But tell me, what did you guys think about AJ's rant? Oh, and I wonder if Dean felt some anger release from him after jumping Adrian/Corey. Welp, see yuh next chapter.

Song: I can do bad all by myself - Mary J. Blige


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