"I know."

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You were back on Taris. The dense yellow smog wafted around the area in slow heavy waves. The pungent smell of fermented swamp water filled the air, making you nauseous.

Kylo stood before you once again. His deep amber eyes stared into your soul, claiming it, branding it, taking ownership. His hand was extended, reaching out towards you. The look of longing, eagerness, painted his features as he reached out.

You looked between his hand and his face, contemplating the choice in your head, knowing exactly what he was asking of you without speaking a word. You knew what you wanted. You knew what decision you would make but still there was conflict. Still turmoil played inside your heart and soul fighting your consciousness, continuing the war between the dark and the light.

"Join me......please." Kylo's voice was demanding but pleading just the same. He extended his hand further, but still you hesitated.

"Take it..." He urged. "Come home." Your heart skipped a beat to his words. Your legs began to move without thinking. The wind howled with every step, the air grew thick almost causing a physical barrier between you and Kylo.

You reached out for his hand, barely skimming his fingertips before he grabbed your wrist, jerking you forward. You slammed against his chest as his lips crashed against yours.

The sky darkened to a crimson red, so ominous and haunting, the blood red color out shined the moon, making the glowing orb dip down behind the trees. Foliage dried and blew away like sand in the gusts of wind. Stars fell, planets shifted, animals rotted to bone while the death howls and pained screeches of their fellow creatures filled the air in some horrific symphony.

"The galaxy doesn't approve!" You heard Rey call from somewhere in the trees.

"This union will doom us all!" General Leia's voice broke through the loud whistling wind and crackling branches.

"You have signed our death sentence!" Poe shouted from the swamps.

"I should have known you would only think of yourself!" A jab from Val.

"Look what you've done!" Finn added. You didn't see any of them. Kylo's lips lingered on yours, keeping you in place, in a trance. The world around you was dying, along with everyone you've ever known, but the small bubble around you and Kylo was calm, peaceful.....beautiful. You felt safe in his arms.

That was until a boney hand reached around you and grabbed onto your forearm, pulling you away from your dark and tormented destiny. It tugged you along until Kylo became nothing but a small speck in the distance, a shadow casted off by the smallest hint of light. Whatever had you, stopped suddenly. It spun you around making you face the all too familiar stone wall. The red cracks glowing like lava, moving like the stone breathed!

"In there...." The boney finger pointed to the cave you had already ventured in once before. "It will show you what lies ahead."

"I've already been there, I've seen my destiny." You whirled around, only to freeze all together. Your heart stopped when you saw glowing yellow eyes staring into your soul.....they were your eyes! The figure before you was like looking into a mirror only the reflection looking back was cracked and broken. Deep dark circles lined the space under your eyes, your skin was pale with bruises and scars littered across its beaten surface. Veins stuck out prominently as if they were just under the first layer of flesh.

Your decrepit reflection stepped closer, reaching for you. You tried to dodge the hands coming your way, break free before it could do whatever atrocious things it had planned. You failed in your escape. Your legs became cemented in a thick and unforgiving puddle of swamp slime.

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