"You're not winning this time!"

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"I'm sure you have questions." Val left the air open for your response, but you had nothing to say. Nothing you really cared to know about her....or Josh. Instead, you sat in silence, allowed your head to dip back down and study your own hands.

"Well, stop me when you do." She walked over to an empty chair and pulled it behind her, positioning it directly across from you. Taking a seat, she began.

"I was there for the whole thing, Josh too! Your mother was a traitor to the resistance....your mother this lifetime, that is." You looked up a bit, staring at the floor, still not giving her eye contact.

"I was ten when you were born. Your mother went into labor during a lightening storm. Kind of crazy right!" She chuckled, reached over to lift your chin and make you look at her but you swatted her hand away.

"Your mother slept around with a lot of men (Y/N).....council members, Jedi, and Sith.....homeless wanderers who crossed her path. It wasn't a shock that you ended up in Commander Ren's bed, my dear. You were only following in your mother's footsteps." You ground your teeth at the jab. She was trying to get under your skin and unfortunately, she was.

Val stood from her chair and walked towards Josh. Leaning in, she whispered something in his ear. You followed his footsteps as they walked around you, stopping at your back. His hands yanked your arms behind you, securing them tightly together with a zip tie.

"Ah, no fighting I see....given up already?" Josh poked as you let him do his bidding. You hadn't given up, you'll let them play their game until Kylo comes. They'll regret it then.

"So now that you're secured, and we don't have to worry about you using your force powers, I'll continue." Val walked back to her chair and lazily plopped down.

"The senate knew what you were. They called upon your mother, pregnant at the time, and kept her under their watch. She was an ordinary woman, nothing special except that she carried you....." her tone went sour. She stomped her foot, making you jerk your head in her direction, giving her the attention she's wanted. Her green eyes glistened with anger, her nostrils flared. She leaned in towards you, pointing her skinny finger.

"You were trouble before you even vacated the womb. See you were supposed to bring balance to the dark and the light. Create unity, is what they said. There was only one other that had that capability but he submitted to the dark. He let it in to save his precious wife.....She ended up dying, so he kind of did it for nothing. Do you know who it was?" Both brows rose high in anticipation, her green eyes sparkling in the bright lights, full of menace. Those eyes bore into your skin, waiting on your response. You remained silent.

"I'll give you hint...." She whispered then covered her mouth with one hand and began breathing heavily. The sound was familiar, almost like Kylo's breathing when he wore his helmet. She continued her charade, breathing long and heavy breaths into her palm. Still, you didn't speak.

"Nothing? How about this?" She stood up and closed the distance between you. Extending one hand in your direction, she covered her mouth again with the other. With five simple words, more extraordinary once sentenced together, your jaw dropped.

"Luke...." She spoke deeply and breathy. "...I am your father...." her face grew bright red as giggles invaded her body. She laughed and sighed as she dropped back into her seat.

"Ah, you've pieced it together!" Your expression gave you away when realizing she spoke of Darth Vader. A chill slid up your spine at the thought of his name. He was in your regression, you saw him come at you with his saber. Just the mere image of him was drenched in the dark and now you discover you're just like him. Would you choose the same path? In a way you have, but is choosing to be with Kylo choosing to join him on the dark side too?

Out Of My HeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora