"Just enjoy this..."

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Once Kylo and your connection vanished, you struggled to move away from the X-wing. You hopped along, grabbing at your abdomen as you scurried away, trying to not get caught by who or what made the commotion.

"Hey!" A voice yelled out. You wouldn't turn around. You kept moving as quickly as you could. Your abdomen began to burn from your poorly executed sprint. Your bruises now feeling as if they were being stabbed from your increased breathing. You must not have been moving as fast as you wished because soon the owner of the voice was right behind you.

"Stop trying to run, you aren't getting very far." His tone was laced with laughter which pissed you off. You spun on your heels and came face to face with a resistance pilot. Something about him was familiar. His dark curls atop his head sprung wildly in every direction. With his helmet tucked under his arm, you assumed the messy state of his hair was due to recently pulling off that helmet.

His dark brown eyes sat under thick black brows. His thin lips curled up into a grin as he steadied you by holding your shoulders.

"Have we met before?" One thick brow rose in curiosity. You thought the same thing, trying like hell to place him.

"I-I don't know." His hand moved towards your broken features. You quickly swatted him away, covering most of your face with your hands.

"Someone really did a number on you huh?" He laughed again, studying your face and its current state.

"Why are you out here so late?" Breaking the awkward silence, you spoke. Again, a stupid grin grew on his features before he huffed at you and the tone of accusation in your voice.

"I could ask you the same thing..... Who were you talking to over there?" You stared off in the shadows behind him, looking towards the X-wing. You broke free from his hold and began slowly making your way back to your cot.

"Leave me alone." You muttered under your breath.

"As you wish, though I'm sure it will be time to rise, before you even make it back, walking on your own without help." He joked, speeding up and cutting in front of you, now walking two steps ahead.

"I'll take my chances." Rolling your eyes, you continued on your way. He's awfully cocky to be talking to a stranger like that.

"I've seen you before, I know I have." He stopped in front of you, making you jerk yourself suddenly to avoid running directly into him. You groaned out as you hugged yourself, the quick motion pulling at your bruised and broken body.

"Let me help you." he was adamant, consistent at getting on your nerves and insinuating that you couldn't take care of yourself. Though this time, you let him scoop you up. He carried you bridal style back to your cot which you were surprised you could remember the way.

Easily he placed you down, helping you sit up just as Finn had helped you earlier. His bright smile made you grin slightly before he stepped away, stopping suddenly again before he left.

"The name's Poe." He stated then vanished into the shadows.


It's been a few days now. The bruises, though still present, have lightened in color and healed pretty well. Your abdomen was the same. A deep chuckle, sneeze, cough, or wrong movement still made you wince in pain, but it was practically good as new compared to how it was.

Your days at the base have been pretty routine. Finn meets you at your cot, walks with you to grab some food, then walks with you to the command center. Rey still hates you but her, Finn, Chewie and Poe are usually on missions so you don't spend a lot of time with them. Leia has tried to fill in more blanks about your former pasts and you've explored the area of the base to the point where you have a secret hide out. General Leia still believes that you are the key to bringing her son home so she lets you have the freedom you need.

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