"No one takes what is mine."

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You woke, with a massive headache, to the sound of florescent lights flickering. With squinted eyes, you scanned the room. It was oddly familiar as you took in it's plain black metal walls and shadowy corners. Looking down at your body, you noticed the restraints around your wrists and ankles. Releasing a heavy breath, you threw your head back and just as you imagined, there was a head rest. You were strapped into the same mechanism that Kylo had put you in after your mission on Jakku.

"I see you're finally awake." Phasma's unmistakable voice broke the silence. You looked around the room until her blinding armor appeared from the corner. She stepped out of the shadows like a villain in a movie scene.

"Did you stun me?" Your words came out hushed and scratchy. You wanted to move your arms, rub your temples to try and ease up the pounding in your head but the restraints kept you immobile.

"If you wouldn't have ran, I wouldn't have had to stun you." She stepped closer, her blaster pressed against her chest and her visor staring directly into your eyes. You weren't a fool, you knew why she came after you.

'I take it Val spoke with you?" Still your voice was scratchy.

"Second in command Val?" Phasma was playing with you now. Throwing your former best friend's promotion, to your former position, in your face. "Yes, she did. She sang like a little bird. Told me everything." You chuckled at her response.

"I didn't tell her anything, therefore, she doesn't know anything." You tried to get the best of Phasma, throw her off her game, but it was of no use. Val ran to her, like you knew she would, and told her everything she witnessed and everything you said that night. For a moment your heart snapped a the betrayal but you quickly recovered. If she reported you, for any reason, was she really someone to be upset about?

"Not denying can be seen as admittance." Phasma was standing with her head held high, shoulders back....proud. She had you where she wanted you, under her control and at her mercy.

"Now tell me, why do you distract the Commander?" You looked away, staring at the blank metal wall behind her, biting your tongue. You refused to speak a word about your relationship with Kylo........or whatever it was. It's over, done, that's all that matters.

Phasma grew impatient, she lunged forward, pointing the nose of her blaster at your head. It was only inches away, you could count the scars and scratches that each ignition left behind. You didn't want to speak. You didn't want to tell her anything. She would have to force it out of you and from the looks of it, she'd have no problem doing so.

"Why did you pursue Commander Ren?!" Her volume increased as her patience continued to grow thin. Her blaster crept closer to your face, almost touching the skin between your brows.

"I didn't." That wasn't a lie. Should you inform her that it was quite the opposite? That Kylo came after you first? Phasma removed her blaster only to turn it over and send the butt end of the rifle against your cheek.

Searing pain spread across the nerves of your face. You could feel it stinging and swelling, growing with each passing second. The taste of copper invaded your mouth, blood slowly seeping over your bottom lip. You grunted, groaning in pain.

Phasma stepped away, placing her blaster on the floor and propping it up against the wall. Heavy breaths heaved her shoulders up and down, up and down, as she circled your restrained body. Her steps were slow and menacing, anger and hatred seeped from her aura causing the atmosphere in the room to grow dense and overbearing. She hated you.....has she always? 

Finally she stopped when she stood in front of you once more. Phasma scanned over your frame from top to bottom. You watched her visor as it slowly scaled up from your legs, to your torso, landing back on your face. She closed the gap between you, wrapping her gloved fingers around your neck. 

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