"Then I will have to punish you"

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Chaos! In the shiny black halls of the star destroyer there was nothing but chaos. Troopers running in ever direction as you opened the hatch of your bedroom, the whirling sounds of its ascent drowned out by the shouting and commands echoing through the halls. Every body of white armor flashing like a quick burst of light as they ran towards the command flight hanger.

Your muscled tensed and your heart lept from your chest once you heard the loud humming of a tie fighter hovering in the hanger. Your feet carried you swiftly to the entrance leaving you in awe of the spectacle playing out.

A storm trooper and the man from Jakku, the one who shot at Commander Ren, were piloting the machine but it was tethered to a fuel line in the hanger. They were struggling to free the fighter from the line as the man whipped the small ship around to face the hanger in your direction. Green bolts of ammo shot out, hitting everywhere they possibly could. The bolts bounced about the hanger like a flash of light hitting a mirror and spreading in every direction. A few bolts struck other tie fighters rendering them useless to the legion, while more shot off and hitting some of your men.

You noticed the former trooper was in control of the guns as the reckless rocking of the ship to dislodge the fuel line bounced him about. His aim was off which caused for luck on your side. You ran for a downed trooper off to the left of the entrance of the hanger. His gun was the closest thing you had to help you rectify the situation. You snatched it from the now deceased soldier and hoisted it into your grasp. With a small intake of breath your aim was hot and precise as you shot and a red bolt of your own hit the fuel lodge of the line, closing the hatch and disconnecting it from the fighter. The man quickly snapped the ship around as the former trooper shot his last shot into the hanger.

You watched as the green bolt busted into the hanger command center setting it ablaze. You ran with every ounce of strength you had to escape the collapsing of the command center. That's all you needed was to be struck by a piece of debri. You had made it towards the end of the middle bay as the structure made contact with the floor.

The loud crashing of its weight against the shiny black tiled floor of the hanger echoed and bounced of each wall. You tried covering your ears from the stinging of the noise but it still manged to leave a ringing in its wake. Your breaths were short as you tried to catch them, your blood was pumping so swiftly through your veins, you could hear your own pulse under the ringing. You stood for a moment and examined the damage of your hanger. The star destroyer was a floating colossal of steel and could withstand almost anything but it's never faced an inside hijack like that and the rebbles of the former command center proved that it wasn't entirely  indestructible.

Your troopers popped up from every cranny and dashed to the pile of steel and glass. They rummaged through what they could in search for survivors but you were sure to your loins that there weren't any. Their struggles were useless but you couldn't tell them that. Not after the night you all had at Jakku.....any ounce of humanity they had left, they were pursuing it by looking for figures in the debri and you weren't going to tell them otherwise.

Just as a ray of hope jolted through you, Captain Phasma and Commander Ren rushed into the hanger. Seeing the Commander again brought back that nervous feeling. That sick tormented feeling of hatred and rage danced along your strings dipping into the pool of darkness. That creature, monster, had single handedly ripped your ray of hope away from you and snuffed it out like he was trying to prevent a fire.

"Second commander (Y/N)" He called for you, his voice now showing emotion....he was pissed. His metallic voice washed over you in dread and the long, drawn out walk towards the black clad creature had your blood solidifying with every inch you got closer.
What exactly was he hiding under that mask anyways?

His immaculate frame towered over your small one as he stood brooding. His black mask pointed in your direction and even without seeing his eyes you knew they were scanning you, watching your every movement.

"What happened?!" He growled, letting you know there would be consequences with just two short breaths.

"There was a hijacking, sir." You answered but it wasn't good enough. Commander Ren's massive arm extended toward you and with the force, he lifted you from your spot, suspending you into mid air.

"Who was on duty tonight?" You could have sworn you saw smoke seeping out from under his helmet. His anger was radiating off his figure like a beacon.

"My troop, FR, sir." You answered again. A choking sensation clasped around your neck. You began kicking at the air, clawing at the invisible hand around your throat as it slowly cut off any oxygen supply. The crushing force around your neck sent pressure into your temples, if you weren't going to die by choking then your head popping clean off your neck would certainly do the trick.

Commander Ren stomped away, still suspending you in mid air and dropping you along behind him like a child carries a balloon. He let up on the pressure around your throat as he walked, no, practically galloped down the hallway in anger. His boots making heavy thumping noses with each step and his long black coat danced behind him, swaying left and right. You heard him scoff under his breath as he open up a small room off the center of the hallway.

He released his invisible hold on you and you plummeted to the hard cold floor as the door slammed down behind you. You manged to steal a peek at the room from under your lashes. It was small, wall to wall and floor to ceiling painted black. An upright contraption that looked like the silhouette of a human sat in the center of the room. The object had straps on either side of the "arms" and "legs." There was even a trap at the top of the headrest. You studied  the contraption before you were flung into it, again by the invisible force. That same force closed the traps around your arms and legs and Commander Ren slowly circled you. His pace was bone chilling slow. Vultures circling the sky above prey kind of slow.

"You hate me." His original tone was back but that wasn't a question rather a statement. He knew it. You were told he could hear thoughts, or read minds but you were positive he didn't need to do that to understand you didn't like him.

"You're correct.....I didn't need to hear you to know you despise me." He was listening in now.

"You think I'm a monster..."

"I KNOW you're a monster." You spat, baring your teeth.

"Because of Jakku?" His tone was simple, like he didn't just have a hundred innocent people murdered a few hours ago.

"They weren't innocent."

"But they were!" You shouted! "They didn't do anything and you had them slaughtered!" The threat of hot sticky tears began to pool at the edge of your lids. You could feel the deep weeping cries building in your chest.

"Like I said before, this is war, there is no room for sentiment." His cold words left hanging in the air as you choked on disbelief. You had always heard stories about him, how cold he was, how ruthless, how uncaring and demented but to actually bare witness to it......

"If you believe it all then why do you stay?" His question caught you off guard. Why did you stay? Was it really the promotion that kept you? Was it Val, your best friend? The questions started running in your own thoughts.

"It doesn't matter, you, and your troopers, need to be dealt with."

"My troopers did the best they could, leave them out of this!"

"If that was the best they could do then I strongly question their training and your command!" His voice rose in volume as he spat under his helmet.

"Where were you?!" You yelled "when your precious star destroyer was under attack, where were you COMMANDER?!" You emphasized his tittle, letting it drip wet in sarcasm. He stood like a stone wall, not faltering, not moving an inch. The only sound in the room was your breathing. Somehow, even through his mask, his stare made you feel small, like an insect he could crush any second.

"If you plan on addressing me in that way then I will have to punish you." His words left you speechless. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel a twing in your chest and a throb a little south. Whether you wanted to or not, it didn't matter, it happened.

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