"Take it."

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His lips, his fingers, his every touch stained your thoughts, making it hard to focus on anything else. Your mission was to find a way back to him, and his touch, but how? Every possible option you could think of has ran through your mind since you left your hide out. Stealing a ship and flying back on your own wouldn't work considering you didn't have a clue where you were and you didn't know how to fly. It's not like the Resistance is holding you hostage but you couldn't just ask for a ride back to the First Order. You chuckled thinking of how those conversations would pan out.

Even the thought of the voice of a thousand deaths, being able to offer some insight, crossed your mind once, but you quickly shot it down. Luckily the thought didn't stir it up again. Even with being separated from Kylo, not hearing that voice in your head, constantly, was a relief.

With your mind on bigger problems, you weren't very hungry so you decided to skip the dinner and head out to the landing pads to watch the ships. You liked watching the pilots as they inspected their ships and worked on the shuttles. You sat and imagined the other worlds they could easily fly to in the drop of a hat. You get envious of their freedom and huffed loudly as another one jets off.

A small commotion pulls your attention to what you now know as the Millennium Falcon. You notice Finn and Poe tossing their hands up in defeat, and sharing some rather colorful words, as smoke began to seep from the old junk ship. The two continued their argument as an orange and white BB unit flew from the ramp, rolling away in a hurry, definitely on a mission.

"You didn't think to check that before we took off?!" Poe's voice carried over the breeze, allowing you to easily drop in on their conversation.

"Do I look like someone who's even checked something like that before?!" Finn shouted and just then, the BB unit swiftly rolled back to the falcon with Rey on its heels. Her nose was scrunched and her eyes were pressed into heavy lines. She threw her own hands up in the sky and pointed to the smoke.

"That's not supposed to be doing that!" She shouted at the two feuding men before pointing at Finn. "You didn't check it did you?"

"That's what I said..." Poe seemed unamused now as they ran up the ramp, Rey ripping her saddle bag from her shoulders, no doubt to quickly asses the problem once inside.

You watched the scene unfold, listening to the banter between the small party of three. Even the droid beeped in a few times, making you laugh. Smoke eased then rolled back out the hatch of the old ship. The commotion carried on for a while, letting the light dim as the sun slowly dipped down into the horizon. You picked yourself up and began the walk back to your cot when suddenly an idea burst into your head.

Rey's saddle bag.....the holocron.....your red dot....

Your legs were carrying you swiftly to the Falcon before you could fully develop a plan. There's three of them in there, plus a droid, so this wasn't going to be easy, but this was your only option. This could be the answer you've been waiting for and it's been under your nose this entire time. You mentally cursed yourself for not thinking of it sooner. You cursed yourself even more the moment you started ascending the ramp.

As soon as you popped into view, three....four, set of eyes were on you. Poe and Finn just looked curious as to why you where even there while Rey looked disgusted at your very presence. A stupid smile painted your lips, not even reaching your eyes, as you lazily waved hello and moved further into the Falcon.

"What are you doing here?" Rey was the first to break the silence. No excuses were popping into your head at the moment, instead, you stood there looking completely lost.

"You saw the smoke didn't you?" Finn asked, making you eagerly shake your head in agreement. Maybe to eagerly...

"The entire base saw the smoke and I'm sure Leia is on her way to tell Chewie as we speak!"Poe chimed in with his loud rant. You scanned the area, looking for the bag, when Rey noticed your wondering eyes.

Out Of My HeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora