"Crossing Commander Ren is crossing me"

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"I don't care what you do to me just leave my platoon out of it." You growled, not allowing him to known he got under your skin with his threat. Even though you were sure he already knew.

Commander Ren stopped in front of you. He brought his heavy helmet inches away from your face, letting you hear his raspy electric breathing. He stayed like that for a moment, closely examining your features and scanning for emotions playing across them. His gloved hand crept up to your cheeks, the heat from his hands underneath the leather burnt and nipped at your skin. You fought to keep eye contact with the creature inches away, playing his game equally as hard as him, but you failed, letting your eyes jet to the closed door behind him. You felt like prey, felt like his toy as he played and disposed of you as he pleased and there wasn't anything you could do about it. Even if you screamed no one would hear you or no one would care.

"Why did you let them go?" His synthetic voice cracked the silence, sending it directly to your gut and stirring up your nerves.

"It wasn't planned....." you began as Ren scoffed at you. "But I figured it would cause less damaged if I helped them with the fuel line instead of let them rip it clean off the base and waste what fuel we had left."

"So you admit to helping them escape?" His monotone crossed over your flesh like heat making you seethe. Of course he would think you were involved. Instead of praising you for salvaging what you could of the command hanger, he pegs you as a culprit!

"You call my command center blown to pieces, nothing but a pile of debri, salvaging!?" You sparked his anger. An inner chuckle vibrated your chest and sprung a grin to your lips. If anything was for sure, he was easy to piss off.

Just as you were grinning and enjoying your small victory, an immediate volt of pain rippled through your temples and shot out in every direction of your brain. It felt like someone had physically grabbed a hold of it and was squeezing it for all its worth. The eminence pain caused your eyes to slam shut and lips to bare your teeth. You hissed and spit at the agony your cranium was put under. Soon the invisible force was back unhooking the traps from your legs and arms until you were flung violently into one of the cabin walls.

A bone, somewhere in your abdomen snapped. The echoing of the break ringing through the room. You cried out again.

"Please!" You begged, whimpering and sobbing. Spit dripped from your lips as you bit your teeth together, trying anything to ease the tension in your head and the white pain in your side.

A hissing sound mixed in with your screams then was soon followed by a thumping of heavy metal hitting the tiled floor.

"Look at me." A deep, smooth voice commanded, but you couldn't. Afraid of your eyes popping form your skull from the pressure swirling around in there kept them closed.

"Look at me!" He commanded, his roar ripping your remaining nerves to shreds. Even through the pain, the pressure, you managed to prop your lids open, squinting at Commander Ren.

His helmet no longer covered his face. Instead of a hollow thin visor peering at you, you saw eyes.. two large orbs of coffee colored specs stared at you. The soft amber glow paired beautifully with his black tresses of hair falling loosely atop his scalp and reaching his shoulders. His strong nose and sharp cheeks caused a striking unique look for the man, not creature, standing feet away.

Commander Ren approached you swiftly, his black hair softly swaying in the breeze as his heavy steps carried him to you. The pressure in your head, at this point, was causing your vision to blur. Once he was directly in front of you, only inches from your face, you could hardly
make out his features. It wasn't until the pressure stopped, like a flip of a switch and his leather clad hand was wrapped around your neck.

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