"This is mine now...."

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You couldn't sleep. Your nerves got the best of you the entire night keeping you awake and alert. What did he mean by saying you weren't finished? Your mind replayed the meeting between you and Commander Ren in the control room. The way he touched you and the way you let him. You felt sick, falling into his game like that and letting him take control. You were supposed to hate him yet you enjoyed him touching your body.....begged him with your thoughts to do more.

Your alarm went off, playing it's annoying tune as usual, but you didn't move. Josh already hates you why not give him more reason to hate you. Would he really even care if you didn't show up for work today? the idea of staying in for the day was enticing. You wouldn't have to fight with your boss again like you've done every day so far and your chances of running into Commander Ren were extremely low. That was if he didn't have the nerve to march to your cabin in front of everyone and make a scene.

The idea played out nicely, but you couldn't do it. You got yourself up anyways, despite the rejections your mind and spirit were shouting at you, and got dressed. As you zipped up your gray jumper, images of Ren's gloved fingers flashed across your mind. How they so gently rubbed at your skin then the needy squeezing of your breasts. The ease and swiftness of zipping down your suit and skimming his fingertips across your panties. The sensation danced along your sensitive nerves, breaking you. It felt like he was in your room, standing behind you again and torturing you just the same as he did last night. Heat spread across your flesh and your sex grew hot and wet. Stop it!!! You mentally scolded yourself.

Your own breathing was harsh and heavy. The effects that man had you were intense and over barring. How could he cause you to lust so deeply for him from just his touch and a few.....intense encounters.

Shaking yourself, you stepped into your boots and mentally prepared yourself for the day before exiting your cabin. Your steps were light as if your very walking would alert the commander of your stirring in the halls. As if each step was setting of triggers through the destroyer to your prescence. Not wanting to test either theory, your feet carried you swiftly down the hallway and to the elevator. Today you and Josh were back on San-deck B. Thank God! Your mind thought.

Your journey to the lift went off without trouble. No fighting with Josh yet, though that was to come, and no chance meeting with Ren. The elevator descended slowly to B deck. Your heart pumping uncontrollably as to what awaits you on the other side of the doors.

To your surprise there wasn't anyone about....not even Josh. Instead, in his place sat the sanitation cart with a large piece of yellow paper tapped to the trash can.

You never returned to finish your shift last night so I couldn't tell you that I would be off today. Your list of chores are on the data pad.....

"How sweet..." Your whisper to yourself was full of sarcasm.

Well at least that's one thing you won't have to worry about today. You threw the note into the bin and walked to the front of the cart to gather your data pad. There it was, your list of jobs to be complete before the end of the day. You noticed there were many and the possibility of having to skip lunch was a real one.

Without killing any more time, you got to it. Your cart squeaked as you pushed it down each hallway. The rooms were empty as usual once you arrived so the wonder of how each bin was full with any garbage crossed your mind. You've never seen anyone else in these halls except yourself, Josh, and the one time Commander Ren was there.

You quickly pushed him from your thoughts the second he broke into them....

After collecting the trash, each room needed swept and mopped. Once the floors were squeaky clean, you were to polish the tables, scrub down the chairs, and wipe clean the windows...leaving no streaks behinde. Lunch rolled around and your calculations were correct, there was no time for a break. Instead you pushed on. The chores proved to be extremely tedious and physical. The ache in your rib was pronounced with each wipe of black tile and giant conference room window. Your eyes burnt from the heavy chemicals in the cleaners and your nose ran from breathing in the toxic fumes. Part of you was glad that you were alone considering you were sure you looked a mess.

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