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                    Trigger warning ⚠️

Anna's POV:

Tomorrow is my sweet sixteen, my birthday that I've been waiting for since I can remember. When you turn sixteen years old you get a letter home from your state, with the names with your greatest enemy and you soulmate.
I really hope my boyfriend is my soulmate, he can be pretty toxic but I still love him, I've known Kyle since I was in preschool. My dad and his dad were business partners, so we got forced to play, but we started to like each other and in eight grade he asked me out. I'm not really interested in the enemy part, I mean, I kinda get along with everyone in my life. Except my dad, but you are supposed to hate your enemy with everything in your body. And I still love my dad because he's my dad, so it couldn't be him.
I live with my dad and brother, in a small house in a good neighborhood. I've had a decent childhood except for the fact that my dad gets abusive when he's drunk. And he is drunk almost every night. My brother help me a lot. He's older so he has a job and pays for the rent of the house.

Ag's POV:

Tomorrow is my birthday, not that I think it's special, I don't celebrate my birthday. But this birthday is a little unusual, since I get to know who is my soulmate and greatest enemy. I don't really believe in this soulmate crap, not the greatest enemy thing either.
But a part of me still wanna know what's so special about this.
I still hope I have a soulmate, love hasn't been easy for me, I wanna find someone but at the same time I don't like getting attached. I pretty much hate everyone in my life, even my mom. She's a stoner who's the biggest hypocrite in the world.
After my dad committed when I was twelve she kinda blamed it on me, she started drinking and using drugs.
She got fired and now only lives on the child support money.
As I said I've had some trouble with love, I don't believe in it.
I once had a girlfriend, Sarah, I loved her with my whole heart.
I treated her like a queen, but she still left me. That's when I learned that everyone leaves you in the end.
And another reason why I don't want to get attached.
The plan is to finish high school, graduate and then get the hell out of this town, alone, by myself.

Anna's POV:

I sat in the car that stood in the parking lot waiting for Kyle, he was inside Sonic ordering food for tonight. My dad was out tonight and me and Kyle couldn't really cook.
I scrolled through Instagram and liked a few pics of my friends.
Kyle got in the car and started driving to my house. He had his hand on my thigh the whole car ride, I wasn't uncomfortable but I didn't love it.
When we reached our destination I took the bag with food while he unlocked the door. As we sat down to eat on the couch in front of the tv he stopped eating and just stared at me.
"What is it?" I asked confused.
"I saw your fucking phone when I came back to the car" Kyle said with anger.
"What about it?" I said a little sassy because I wasn't really paying attention, something I've would never had said if I was aware of the situation.

"You like guys pics that's not me and that's not fucking okay, especially Jordan" he frustratedly said.
"I- I'm sorry Kyle, Jordan is only my best friend" I began to shake a little.
"Ok" he said short while turning his head away from me. "I know you've been fucking him" he breathed out under his breath quietly.
As I said, Kyle was toxic, he's really jealous all the time and gets angry at me for everything. I normally just ignore what he's saying but I couldn't take his bullshit any longer.
"The fuck I did not?" I half screamed directly at his face. He mumbled something about that I'm going to regret that when i felt a hard punch against my jaw. I clenched my jaw and the pain streamed through my whole body. This wasn't the worst he'd done, just like my dad, Kyle is abusive.
I still love him and don't want to leave him so I can't fight back.
I laid down on my back in pain and after a while it all went black.

I woke up in my bed, and looked around to see the time, 1 pm. Huh i slept longer than usual I thought. I didn't remember what happened as I got up but then a flash of pain when through my head, I touched my bruised jaw and squirmed at the pain.
I sat up, resting my back against the headboard when Kyle came in the room. He sang "happy birthday" as he had a plate with a muffin with a candle on it in his hand. I blowed out the candle and ate the muffin.
When things like this happen I cover it up with makeup, it's not that hard if you have the tools.

I got ready for the day and went upstairs where my dad was passed out on the couch, not surprising.
I threw a look at the mail box and walked outside to grab the mail.
It then hit me that I was gonna get my names today, I really wished my soulmate was Kyle because then I wouldn't have to break up with him, he wouldn't react good to that.
I opened the letter kinda exited but that look disappeared directly as I read the words on the paper in my hand, my jaw dropped...

Soulmate -
Annagrace McDaniel

Greatest enemy -
Annagrace McDaniel


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Wordcount - 1000


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