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Trigger warning ⚠️


After all this time I've now written another chapter, and it's a little more than a mmm six months ago I started this. Thank you to everyone reading from the start and for the ones that recently started!

Recently, I lost all my motivation for this story, mostly because of how I don't follow Ag or Anna like I used to, (like last august when I started this). I feel like I want to end it but I had a whole ending planned out.
So I'm gonna mix it up...

(sorry for making you wait four months or sum)

T W O Y E A R S L A T E R !


Play song - Mr Brightside


Anna's POV:

You're probably wondering... are we still together? What have happened? I'll tell you about it...

The last two years me and Ag have been together happily, without any bigger problems or drama. We studied and was trying our best in school, and made some money. Now we finally can get the hell out of this town.

Ag was working hard on her basketball career and I, well I mostly played soccer but I also went very big on social media. I shared my story and got a bunch of followers who all support me and wants to follow mine and Ag's life.

I shared my story about Kyle and he ended up jail. Ag's mom nailed the interview she had that day and got the job. Ever since both me and Ag have been living with her mom happily.

I turned eighteen last week and we are finally ready to move away, we got the money, and we sure as hell wants to leave. All the bad memories that we are ready to leave behind.

Me and Ag made a deal around a year ago too, when we leave and have our own place, I'm gonna report my dad and put him in his place. I don't care about how he feels anymore since that night of Ag's car crash.

On my birthday, Ag got down on one knee and pulled out a promise ring, kinda lame but it's cute. She has treated me like a queen and I'm more than happy with her.

After that day when Ag asked me to be her girlfriend she has kept taking me on cute dates and nice evenings. I really love her and we both are ready to take the next step.

Ag's POV:

I'm so I love with Anna it's sickening, still, whenever she talks or even looks at me I get butterflies. I'm the happiest I've ever been and that's all because of her. I haven't told her yet, but I found a nice first apartment for me and her.

I am now planning on telling her tonight, since it's our anniversary for two years. I'm taking her out to this fancy restaurant and I'm going to tell her about it all and what we would have to do to live there.

*time skip to six pm*

We just arrived to our restaurant and a nice waiter came up to us and told us she would be ours for tonight. I ordered a fine bottle of wine for us both, and a steak while Anna got a salad. After a while I got so eager so I had to tell her.

I cleared my throat, "since we have been talking about moving, I was looking around and turns out there's this really nice apartment in Florida."
Anna made a nod and smiled at me like a signal for me to keep talking.

"I bought it." Anna looked up at me and stopped chewing, she was trying to see if I was serious or not. When she saw that I wasn't joking she got really excited. "Are you kidding? This is awesome, by the beach too?" Anna exclaimed as I showed her the pictures.

She hugged me real tight and I felt a happy tear run down my cheek. I was really going to live with her, by the beach in Florida. Could it be any better?

Fast forwards a few weeks, me and Anna were more than ready to move to our new apartment. It was a one story with a kitchen, two separate rooms and a bathroom. It wasn't that much, but it was a great start. After a lot of planning we decided that the other, left over room was going to be an office for both me and Anna.

We bought furniture and took some of our old ones, we bought a new bed for a fresh start. And after a while, it was time to say goodbye to everyone.

First up I called Mia and told her to come over, Mia has a girlfriend, and they are now celebrating six months. She's nice and I know she will take good care of her.

A while later the door bell was ringing, I walked up from the kitchen and to the door. Mia pulled me into a hug and were already crying. "Hey, don't cry please you're going to make me cry" I giggled looking at her bursting into tears.

After a short talk we walked into the kitchen and talked with Anna too.
Mia was now also closer with Anna than before, their friendship was strong and I was happy for them.

Emmi came over and so did Adam, we all talked about some nice school moments but also about the things we went through. At the end we all were crying, we didn't know if it was from sadness or from joy anymore.

When they all left me and Anna put our bags in the car and packed the last stuff. We drove around my neighborhood and then over to Anna's.

We both agreed we were done with this, all of it. We took a left and ended up on the highway, we were now officially on our way, from this shit town....


A/N - :)

Don't forget to vote and comment! 👋🏻

Wordcount - 1012


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