"What the hell happened? Mr. Callgarey?" I nod, staring at him for a moment.

"Yeah I heard the cocksucker talking to the fucker when I went in to go chat with him. Said once we married they could get what they wanted. Give Dad a ride home, I'm not going back until I work out some anger." I roll the window up watching as Kevin comes stomping out, looking like I had just pissed in his cereal. Good. Throwing the truck in reverse, I peel out of the parking lot, making sure to throw some black diesel smoke right in his slick looking face. I hate businessmen, they're too slimy for their own good. Only working their own agenda, and to think I almost married one!

My eyes prick with tears, I'm an idiot, I deserved what I had coming. My heart aches learning of the betrayal. I thought I was friends with the man for years, apparently that was a lie. Driving down the main street of town, I find myself looking for an outlet. Seeing a bar, I automatically turn in, this place looks like I'll fit in like a damn gem. Parking I have to pause and look down realizing what I'm wearing, my normal attire would let me blend in. Not this god forsaken stupid dress!

Growling I let my head drop, hitting the steering wheel out of frustration. I really hate this day, and all that it's about. Hearing a knock on the window I'm forced to pick my head up to look at the rugged face. A man with black hair, and black beard, hazel eyes, built sturdy. I'm gonna take a guess he's tall if he has to duck his head to peer in at me. Grumbling to myself I roll down the window and look at the leather cut he's wearing. "Yeah?"

"You lost little lady?" I have to fight the glare, and look away with a sniff.

"No I ain't lost." I hear a pause and I force myself to look back seeing the man tilting his head at me, his eyes soften ever so slightly.

"Are you crying?"

"No, I'm allergic." He stops and raises an eyebrow at me, humor dancing in the depths of his eyes. I'm glad he's enjoying this.

"Ok, I'll bite. What are you allergic to?" I finally growl pushing myself back in the seat, annoyed with the events.

"I'm allergic to my own stupidity alright?" This finally makes him release a chuckle letting his head hang as he busts out laughing.

"I think we all get allergic to our own stupidity. Tell me what has a pretty lady like you showing up here?" I chuckle shaking my head. Why does any pretty lady show up to a bar?

"Well I'm in search of a good strong drink, do you know where I can find myself one?" I rest my arm on the window, looking over at him. This man is a really tall drink of water, one that I love looking at. He gives me a lopsided grin leaning against my truck to motion towards the bar.

"I might know of a place, but it ain't for the faint of heart." I chuckle looking over at the joint I read the name of the bar. 'The Reaper's Dig' a classic name for a biker bar.

"Don't worry about my heart Cowboy, I can handle it." I grin and give him a wink making him chuckle at me nodding.

"Well if that's the case I'll need to see your I.D. Can't let an underage girl drink in the bar." I hear a soft sultry laugh fall from my lips, not a sound I'm used to. Grabbing the stupid clutch I open it pulling out my I.D. I hand it over watching as he chuckles and shakes his head. I watch as his eyes scan over my I.D. his eyes darted up to mine shocked. "You're Military? What branch?" I laugh, shaking my head as I lift my right hand making a fist, showing him my knuckles.

"Marine Core. Recently discharged." I see admiration light his eyes, as he hands me my I.D.

"That's impressive, thank you for your service. What made you leave?" He pulls my door open helping me get out.

"All in a day's work. And medical, maybe if I like you enough I'll show you my scars." The man lets out a laugh, shaking his head with a grin.

"Then I guess I should get to know you, I'm Digger. Nice to meet you Dakota." I chuckle, shaking his head, enjoying our little interaction so far. I grab his hand, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet ya Digger, I think I'll stick to calling you Cowboy." He just laughs and leads me into the bar, conversations surround us but I can only chuckle hearing Digger's comment.

"All right little lady, I think I'll let it slide, just for you." I can only chuckle and roll my eyes as we find our way to the bar. I hop up onto a stool, and he leans against the bar top next to me. Giving me the perfect portrait view of the man. His rugged features make my stomach flip with excitement. A bartender walks over looking over at Digger before dragging his eyes to mine, confused.

"What can I get for you?"

"Can I get an old fashioned?" I intend on getting a bit tipsy, and having a fun night. The man nods before looking at Digger,

"I'll have the same thing." He turns towards me with a lopsided grin. "Wanna take a shot?" I grin nodding, and giving him a wave. I'll let him choose our poison for the night. "Two shots of Fireball Kickstand." Digger motions to the man who gives a goofy grin, moving off to do his job. Fireball, a nice warm starter, I see we have the same idea of fun in mind.

"Kickstand? I'm guessing the guy hasn't learned the kickstand is useful for something?" Digger looks at me chuckling giving a nod.

"Nah, the boy's smart, he just gets too excited and skips a step or two." I can only give him a grin, shaking my head. We all get a little caught up in excitement. "What has you so dressy?" I look down at the dress and roll my eyes with a sigh.

"Let's say I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life. Attaching myself to a damn businessman." I snort and grab my fireball shot right from the bartender's hand. Shooting it back I let my hand carry the glass down to the bar top.

"Oh so you're the one that had the town up in chatter about marriage." He leans back slightly, like that changes things.

"Not anymore, I dumped his lying ass in front of the butt ton of people he just had to have at our wedding. Serves him right." I shrug, grabbing my drink to sip at.

"I like hearing you're up on the market again." I watch as a cocky grin comes over his face, a chuckle falling from his lips as he relaxes against the bar once more. Tonight's gonna be a fun one. 

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