"Now don't do something that you'll regret." Papa speaks up standing, I follow him with my head and nod in understanding.

"Don't worry Papa I won't."

"That's my girl." With that comment he heads out of my office, closing the door behind him, leaving me and Ryan to sit in silence for a moment longer. Turning to look at him I see him already watching me, leaning forward I rest my elbows on the desk.

"What do you think about it all?" Ryan shrugs with a sigh.

"Hell Dakota, I can't judge that for ya. All that I know is that he's changed, I guess we all change as people."

"I don't think someone can change that much, I don't like the fact that he can't look at you. Kevin barely can bring his ass out here anymore, that doesn't sit right with me. How the hell am I supposed to live with a man who refuses to come home?" He chuckles with a grin.

"Then I guess you'll be making some booty calls into town." Laughing, I shake my head standing up.

"Nah, if he wants some ass then he'll be putting the work in."

"It ain't worth it if he doesn't work for it." Shrugging with a smirk I shut down my computer, standing up in the process. Opening my drawer, I pull out my sig sauer, clipping it into my holster.

"Amen, what's on your plate for the day? I have some plans that I need you taking care of. I gotta brief you and some other hands. I'll let you take the first pick." I let Ryan leave the office first, shutting off the fan and locking it all up. Clipping my keys to my belt loop and making my way down the steps.

"The usual, I gotta make sure we count the pregnant cattle. Sam is coming to pull ultrasounds, Scotty was gonna be helping her. I was just gonna supervise. What did you need?" Looking over the farm I drop my shades covering my eyes.

"Security for the ranch. There's a lotta land to cover, I'll need a select group for security runs. I want to keep this shit as low key as we can. I don't want every hand knowing the precautions." Ryan nods, both of us turn as we hear a car driving down the driveway. I raise an eyebrow at the prius, looks like Kevin's ears were burning hot today.

"I'll start scouting for that. We can drag this conversation back up after you're done throwing down with spiffy over there." Smirking I chuckle, shaking my head at that statement, he ain't wrong with how dressy Kevin is.

"We'll swing back around after grub." He gives a nod walking away his chaps waving in the wind, his broad shoulders filling his long sleeve shirt nicely. His denim jeans sculpt to his body nicely, if I hadn't grown up with the man I might be willing to jump his bones. I focus my attention on Kevin as he steps out of his car, buttoning up his suit jacket.

"Hey baby, do you have a minute?" I shrug with a slight smile, shoving my hands in my jean pockets I look at him, watching as his sturdy figure makes his way to me.

"Yeah, I have a few minutes. What's up?" Tilting my head up I wait for a kiss, earning one with ease. Pulling away I lick my lips, pausing. "Have you started wearing chapstick?" Kevin looks down at me with a raised eyebrow. He's never worn cherry chapstick and neither do I.

"No. Listen I wanted to go over guest lists." I sigh, rubbing my forehead and turning towards my office, I might as well have this chat outta everyone's hearing. "Were you about to go do something out in the pasture?" Glancing down over my shoulder at him, I raise an eyebrow. Waiting for him to continue, he points at my gun. "You're carrying."

"It's a habit at this point, I'm always carrying the damn thing. What did you want to go over about the guest list? I thought we had that squared away." Kevin is once more worried about the guest list, I already told him who I wanted there and who I didn't. It's not rocket science. Unlocking my door I walk in, letting Kevin shut the door. Not bothering to turn the fan on, I drop into my chair kicking my feet up onto the desk.

"Well for starters what about your mother?" Rolling my eyes, I fold my hands behind my head.

"If I do invite her, it'll be tense, if I don't invite her I won't hear the end of her nagging. It's a lose lose situation either fucking way, I don't give a damn. Did you want to invite her?" I ask feeling the need to be polite.

"I think she needs to come baby. We'll just make sure that she doesn't have a reason to be tense over. I know she wants you to wear her dress at our wedding, why not wear that?" Raising an eyebrow, I scoff at him shaking my head.

"Because I don't want to wear a damn princess dress. I already have mine picked out if either of y'all don't like it then eat shit." This day is starting to surround him more than our relationship.

"Baby, I just want our day to be nice, not to have to worry about anything besides getting to our honeymoon. Have we decided on our honeymoon?" Looking up at the ceiling, sweat rolls down my forehead into my hairline.

"I don't know, I was just hoping to go out to the hunting cabin on the land." Shrugging I look back at him, watching as his nose crinkles.

"As much as I love this place, I thought it would be nice to get away from this all. Maybe go to the beach, hell maybe even some tropical resort. That could be fun, don't you think?" Sighing, yeah it could be fun if you are into that thing. I don't do the beach, I don't like digging sand outta places it shouldn't be. Not to mention the cliche tourist bullshit, yeah I think I'll pass that hardcore.

"We can go back to the drawing board on that one. You know I can't leave here until the herd's have been moved and dealt with." It's his turn to sigh as he leans back in the chair, keeping his feet planted.

"Baby, you can't keep putting this place first. It isn't going to be something that can love you like I can. I don't like being pushed away." Glaring at him I drop my feet, slamming them onto the floor, drawing closer to the desk.

"Honey, with all due respect, shut the fuck up. This place has the blood, sweat, and tears of the O'Kane's and the fact that you want me to not give this place my full attention pisses me off. I told you, the day you asked me out that you better keep your ego in check. This place is my livelihood, this place pays the bills. So don't attempt to guilt trip me with some bullshit. I gotta get to work." Growling I stand, forcing myself to shove my chair under my desk.

"Baby listen I didn't-" I cut him off pointing out the door.

"Kevin, you need to leave before I throw some hands at you. I'm not in the mood to deal with this."

"Dakota, I just want you to be happy. This place will only make you happy for so long." Narrowing my eyes, I feel my nostrils flare in agitation. He takes the hint and walks past me kissing my cheek in an attempt to say sorry. Slamming the door I lock it, listening to the cow bell jingle.

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