Chapter 19

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A.N.: As always, it is still unedited. Enjoy <3


(Wednesday, next week, 9am)

I leaned down on the piano and pressed a note, gesturing for the boys to match the pitch. After I was satisfied, I continued to press higher notes to the highest they could reach. I pointed to their stomachs as a sign for them to breathe, as some of their voices are shaking from lack of air.

"Okay," I removed my hand from the piano and looked at my watch. "We're done."

The five boys cheered and quickly ran to the couch.

"That was too much, Hae." Jin complained as he slumped in his seat.

"I'm sorry, PDnim's orders," I shrugged at him and smiled. "We still need to work on a few breathing exercises so you guys could sing higher, easier, and more relaxed." I directed to the five of them.

It has already been a week since I started working here and two days since I took over the vocal lessons. Only Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, and Hobi attend these while the other two rappers join us when it comes to breathing exercises for live performances and song practices that doesn't include dancing. I am fitting in quite perfectly, but I sometimes still can't get used to getting to seeing famous idols almost everyday, especially when they practice their dance like it's live.

Or also known as the hot pros of becoming their vocal coach *winks*

Taehyung, who's laying face-down on the couch, turned his head to the side and pouted, "I didn't know you were this brutal when it comes to lessons, Hae Hae."

I giggled at how cute he was and shook my head, "I'm sorry," I apologized again. "I have to get you guys ready before the concert, so I have to do everything to get your vocal cords in top shape."

I laughed lightly at their sour expressions before turning away from them and walking towards the piano. "Just a few more days of those kinds of exercises then we'll be back to doing the regular routine," I promised them, grazing my fingers on the keys.

"If that doesn't happen, I'm sticking to rapping," Hoseok joked with a straight face.

Although he's a rapper, he still sings in some songs. That's why PDnim grouped him with the vocal line.

I chuckled at that and winked at him, "I'll still follow you there Hobi."

I faced the instrument again and sat down, deciding to play something while the boys relaxed. I started pressing the chords for their song, 'Love is not over', and humming it. I just learned the chords to this last Saturday for the cover I posted earlier so the notes are still fresh in my mind. I played the song without thinking too much of it and let my fingers aimlessly take over.

For the short time I've been working, I realized the imperfect flaws that make them human. They actually have great voices but have their own struggles in singing-and those struggles are getting better. I had been adding a few methods for them to breathe and sing easier, and a few tips to do before singing that could help them throughout the performance.

I finally got to listen to the song my sample created five days ago, and it was better than any song I made-Yoongi playing a huge role at that. I even got to help them create the lyrics as I had studied Japanese when I was younger. I became even more comfortable with the group after spending time with them everyday for the past week, and I hope they are as comfortable with me.

I had also met TXT last Tuesday and they were so nice.

And handsome *wink*

I learned that they were younger than me, but they were tall as hell-I became a dwarf because of them. We met through a meeting for their upcoming album where they needed one last song for their track list. I gave them the one I made a couple months ago and PDnim liked it. I produced the song from Thursday to Sunday with the help of Adora or Park Soo Hyun, my mind and body exhausted at the lack of sleep I collected from it. But thankfully, it is now finished and ready for the album.

Unexpected | PJMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon