Chapter 4

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I can't believe I just ran into BTS, well more like Jimin. I didn't even notice it was them till I was already walking away.

The worst part is, they probably thought I was a freak when I started at Jimin for about 2 freaking minutes.

Actually, it might've been longer. You didn't know how long it was cause you were too 'into the moment.'

No, I wasn't.

Yes, you were.

No. I. Wasn't.

So you noticed the other members when you were looking at him?

Uhm... No.

Did you notice your hands resting on his chest?


I rest my case.

I should really stop listening to my conscience sometimes.

Oh honey, you know I'm always right.

It wasn't my fault his eyes were captivating. Who knew they were so brown? He always wore blue contact lenses to cover them.

I should've expected it though, I was near their building for God's sake! How could I not see this coming?

Are you a fortune teller?


Can you predict the future?


Can you-

I get it, okay? There was no way I could see that coming.

It just hit me like a brick. Why can't I get a warning before embarassing stuff like these happen? That's all that I wish for. What did I even do to make the universe hate me?


Don't answer that.

I dreamt of meeting them of course, but embarrassingly running into one of them wasn't how I would imagine it. I even touched Jimin's chest without even realising it.

This was all that I could think about this whole bus ride home. Am I going crazy? It felt like I'm getting more and more involved with BTS these past 2 days. I freaking even met them in person!

More like ran into Jimin and stared creepily long at his eyes.

Maybe I should just let this go before I go nuts. It was just a one time thing, so there's nothing to fuss about, right? They wouldn't even remember me if we saw each other again anyway.

I opened my apartment door and laid on the couch, ending the internal battle there. What an eventful day. I couldn't decide whether it was a good or bad one.

I was too lazy to cook for myself, so I called pizza hut for dinner. I took out my laptop and worked on a new tune. I might as well get some work done while waiting.

I checked on the progress of my Lie video and noticed the doubled number of likes.

I can feel myself slowly smile. Maybe you were right, I should praise myself once in a while.

Told you.

I scrolled through the comments and saw a few people admiring my voice, making my smile wider. I continued scrolling and found people saying that BTS sent them.

Is that good or bad?

It's not a negative thing, idiot. It's good.

I rolled my eyes at that thought and continued reading. Most of the feedback were good, but of course there were hate comments. I took note of those so I could be better on my following videos.

Unexpected | PJMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora