Chapter 15|Part 1

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A.N. Thank you for reading my story!

p.s. this is unedited like the other chapters. I had forgotten to post a message like this on the previous ones and just remembered it now. Hehe :)


(Sunday, 6:45am)

The familiar tune of ringtone echoed through my room and disturbed my sleep. I ignored its annoying ring and continued on to my blissful slumber. But it didn't stop like I had expected and carried on blaring. Not bothering to open my eyes, I reached to the nightstand beside my bed. I answered immediately to stop the loud sound without looking at the name.

"Hello?" The sleepiness in my voice obvious.

"Hi Hae!" A familiar cheerful voice erupted from the device. "Sorry for waking you up."

My eyes opened and my body sat up in alert. "Sangmin oppa?" I asked in surprise. "H-how are yo-you? Why didn't you call me?! Did you know how worried I was when I didn't receive a single text from you explaining why you had to abruptly end the call?!" I practically shouted, not caring about my raspy morning voice and the high probability of disturbing my neighbors.

"Yeah," he trailed off. "I'm sorry about that, Hae. I'm good, I swear. Something came up that I had to end the call and it kept me busy for the whole week." An exasperated tone came with his explanation.

"You could've texted me a simple message, oppa." I glared at my bedroom wall.

"I'm sorry okay? My girlfriend got in an accident and I was so worried that-"

"Girlfriend?" I voiced out confusedly, cutting him off.

The line was silent for a moment. "I met someone, Hae." I can hear the smile from his voice. "We went official last week and that's why I called you. But she got into a car accident that made me end the call without explaining. Don't worry though, she's already recovering."

A smile replaced my gloomy expression. "I'm happy you found someone and I'm glad she's okay." I sighed, "sorry for snapping, oppa. I was just so worried."

"I understand, Hae. It was partially my fault so you don't have to apologize."

"I miss you." I frowned slightly.

"I miss you too." I smiled at that. "So, how are you and Jimin- I mean BTS?" he asked in a teasing voice.

I rolled my eyes, "Ha ha. I've been really good, oppa. My life actually became happier for the past week." I smiled as I reminisced the memories behind my happiness, a particular person in mind.

"Really? Well, I'm happy for you, Hae."

"As am I for you, oppa. So when will you introduce me to the unlucky girl? Don't you think she got into an accident because she wanted to get away from you?" I joked.

"Very funny." He retorted. "I'll video call you when she gets discharged. So maybe after a couple of days."

We continued to talk for about another thirty minutes. I'm so relieved to know that he isn't in trouble and that he actually found someone for him. He described what she looked like and that her attitude is like mine, though I don't know if that's good or not. I'm really excited to meet her from the stories Sangmin told me. She seemed nice and perfect for him that I couldn't help but tear up in happiness.

"I'll call you again soon, Hae. I miss you."

"I miss you too, oppa. Love you."

"Love you too." He said back as he ended the call.

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