"Pat this is not your fault. No body could have known this would happen" Tash tried to calm me down as well but all the rage inside of me became too much.

"Mate you can't get angry. I wanted to believe me but George needs you to be here. She doesn't need you pacing around the house blaming yourself for this" Marcus told me.

It didn't completely settle me down but it definitely helped. I knew I had to put it all behind me and just be there for Georgia.

She needed me to be there and I wanted to be there. I knew I couldn't leave her. I had to keep her safe now more than ever.

"Okay" I stopped resisting after a while and just sat down on the couch.

"I think we have to call Josh, and her parents and then we'll go from there" Marcus suggested.

We all nodded in agreement but all secretly dreaded the burden of having to break the news to her family. Especially Josh who lived all the way in Sydney.

His first reaction was never going to be good. I mostly just felt sorry for him that he was in a different state, unable to do anything. He had already flown over after her accident. I wasn't sure if he would be able to have more time off.

But I wanted him to. With the three of us together, I knew we could definitely get some answers and get George the justice she deserved.

Because no amount of violence was ever okay. Assault, sexual assault, all serious accusations that we were definitely sure about. Whoever did it was going to pay and I wasn't afraid of making that happen.

That was of course if Georgia let me. Ultimately it was her decision what to do from this point on. But she was sound asleep, recovering from the state a found her in just hours ago.


A few hours later and George hadn't come out of her room still. I hadn't seen her since I lay her down in bed after the shower.

The four of us had been sitting on the couch, lifeless. The lack of energy between the group made the time tick by even slower. Not much was said to one another as all we could do was wonder.

All of us had the same concerns and aspirations for this situation. But nothing could be done until we talked to her parents and ultimately her.

When I got the chance to speak to her, I wasn't going to waste it. I knew I had her trust the moment she collapsed into my arms.

And if I was that person for her than that would be it. I wasn't going to leave her side until she started getting back on her feet.

But there was a long road ahead of us. This was only the beginning. We were still waiting on the couch in my living room, all wanting the same answers.

It was hard to contain myself during the time we had to wait. To not burst into her room and wrap her up in my arms. It was all I felt like doing but I knew she needed her rest. And so did everyone else.

They had to keep reminding me why I was still sitting there, waiting and waiting for something to happen. The constant reminder that it was for her was what kept me driven.

"It's been ages. I'm gonna go check on her" I told them.

"I think that's a good idea" Marcus agreed.

I stood up off my place on the couch and began walking towards the bedroom.

I started feeling the nerves deep down in my chest, rising up to the surface as I got closer to the door. When I reached the door of the bedroom. I opened it slowly and saw her lying there, still and awake.

Always You || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now