After almost an hour, they were finished tidying up and joined us in the living room. Izzy came up to me and nodded her head for me to follow her, so I got to my feet and trailed behind her as she walked out to the side porch. She pulled out two cigarettes and hopped up on the railing, lighting her own and then mine as I stood right in front of her.

"So, how does this one rank out of 22?" She said, looking up at me with such a sweet gleam in her eyes.

"Best one, yet." I said quietly, putting my hands on the railing on either side her.

"Good, and it's not over." She had this smug little smile on her face, and it was tugging at every heart string I had.

"Oh yeah? What's left?" I asked, even though I felt like I already knew the answer.

"Just a special treat for you." She said coolly, taking a drag off her cigarette right after.

"Is it a second dessert?" I smirked, watching as her lips tugged into a tight smile.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." She was giving me 'fuck me' eyes, and it took everything in me to not tell everyone to leave so I could take her right in the kitchen. I took a few steps back to help me control myself, and the smirk on her face told me that she knew exactly what she was doing to me.

"I'll have this whole house cleared out right now if you don't stop that." I joked, and her eyebrows raised at the sudden comment.

"You'll just have to wait a little longer, then." She said, jumping off the railing and tossing her cigarette butt into the bin in the corner. She brushed by me and let her hand swipe across my stomach, lingering a little too long above the hemline of my jeans.

I just followed her back into the house, hoping that being around everyone again would calm me down a little. We all sat in the living room for a while, and when Brett and Vanessa said they had to get going I knew I was about to be dragging Izzy up the stairs. The second they walked out the door, I turned to the guys and told them we were going to bed. They all gave me suggestive looks, which I glared at them for.

"Can you just make sure the doors are locked and the side light is off?" Izzy asked, quite suspiciously I might add. I furrowed my eyebrows a little as I nodded my head, and she darted up the stairs before I could even walk away.

I went into the kitchen and flicked the side porch light off and locked the door, and when I walked back into the living room I locked the front door and turned that light off. Before I could get to the first step, Mike asked for another blanket since there was apparently only one out that Calum had been using. These little detours were really starting to get on my nerves, but I quickly dug through the closet and threw one at him so I could finally get back to Izzy upstairs.

I burst through the bedroom door with the intention to pounce on her, but when I saw what she had been attempting to plan I stopped dead in my tracks. She had a couple candles that she managed to light in just that short amount of time, and she had her back facing me as she was toying with part of the lingerie she had on. Her head snapped in my direction with a frown, but I just stood there mesmerized as I scanned every inch of her body.

"I can't figure out how to clip all this together." She said, completely defeated. She frowned at me again, as if her not being able to get the part that wrapped around her thighs on had ruined the night.

I walked up to her as she kept fumbling with it and pulled her hands away so I could look at her. She just looked up at me carefully, and I let my eyes wonder as my hand followed. It was all red lace, and the way her hair fell over her shoulders as she watched my hand was breathtaking. I rested my left hand on her side, and when I lifted her head up with my right she had this adorable little look on her face. I could tell she was insecure and nervous about doing this, even though I didn't understand why. This wasn't our first rodeo, and she was too gorgeous to feel that way about herself.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now