Interviews and Assortments

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This is a bunch of little quotes I can imagine Grace and Taylor telling interviewers just to be assholes when interviewers get too nosy and their publicists make them actually answer questions.

No real plot here, just some fun. Not to say any of these would actually ever happen in the story, I just thought this could be funny.

This isn't a full length one shot simply because it's not actually part of the story, but enjoy!


"Any special plans for the night, Taylor? Maybe including your wife?" The interviewer asked, following the award show.

"Uh," Taylor began, "I think for me, going home and watching my wife try and feed our daughter mashed potatoes is always special."


"It's very rare to see you two doing an interview together."

Grace looked at Taylor and laughed, sitting in the studio for a magazine interview, "That's because we're married, we don't tend to interview each other anymore."

"You're such a smartass," the singer shook her head in disbelief, "Actually, we do interview each other. It often goes something like 'Did you empty the dishwasher?' and then I say 'No,' and she gets grumpy because it's my job to do the dishes and oh my god I'm talking about dishes during a vogue interview."

"During our wedding, they asked if I wanted to add anything before we exchanged rings and I told Taylor I knew she broke our garbage disposal again," the brunette added.

"What is even going on?" The poor woman asked.


"Do you think Taylor should have a won a Grammy for Red?"

Grace sighed, putting her hands over her face for a moment before answering, "Obviously. Let's not discount reputation or Lover, either though. She wrote those about me, so it's kind of like I didn't win a Grammy."


"Is it true that when asked about each other during an interview, you don't answer properly on purpose?"

Taylor smiled and looked at Grace on the red carpet, "We had salmon for dinner, it was really amazing. Thank you for asking."


"So you have three kids?" Ellen asked Taylor.

"Kind of? Grace calls our youngest Lilo and Stitch because his name is Liam so it's more like I have two daughters and an alien."

Ellen was dumbfounded, "Are you doing that deflecting thing you both do when asked about each other? I've heard the rumours that asking a question too personal won't get me anywhere."

"No, she really calls him that, Ellen. We're friends."


"Do you care to comment on the pregnancy rumours?" One interviewer shouted at Taylor as she walked the line at the AMA's.

Taylor's eyes widened, "Oh my god, who's pregnant?"

"Your wife! There are rumours circling about your wife expecting your fourth child!"

"Odd," Taylor shrugged.

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