Peace In Secret

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July 23, 2020 - London, England

"Do you think Mommy is going to freak out?" Taylor giggled as she buttoned up her one-year-old's romper, a plain pink onesie with a matching bow in her brown hair.

"Mama," Alyssa cooed, pointing at Taylor with a smile.

"Yes, but I was thinking about Mommy," Taylor chuckled, she had a habit of having mostly one-sided conversations with Alyssa.

The singer picked up the girl and carried her over the gated play area in the toddler's bedroom, sitting down on the rocking chair to keep an eye on her while she went through some work stuff really quick.

"You have no idea how hard it has been not to tell her," Taylor said, earning a curious look from Alyssa, who was busy trying to stand up but not quite having it figured out yet. "I mean, she know's I have been working on an album but she had no real clue, kiddo. She's either going to lose her mind or not believe me."

Grace walked in a minute later, smiling at her girl's as she was still dressed in her pyjama's and messy hair, "Morning!"

She placed a kiss on Alyssa's forehead before walking over to Taylor and pecking her lips.

"Morning, baby girl," Taylor grinned, pulling Grace down onto her lap and holding her tight.

"You're in a good mood... did you break something?"

Taylor chuckled, "No, I just have a lot of work to do today so I'm trying to enjoy my morning with you both before I lock myself in our office."

Grace sighed, resting the back of her neck on the singer's shoulder, "Again? Our daughter is going to think she only has one parent pretty soon."

"I'm sorry," Taylor offered gently, placing a kiss on Grace's hand with her lips just grazing the skin, "Today's the last big day for a while."

"You've been working a lot, babe. I know you've been trying to keep busy with everything going on lately but don't forget to rest, alright?"

"I will, I promise."

Grace smiled weakly and pressed a kiss to Taylor's cheek, "I'll get 'Lyss out of your hair then. Come out for lunch at least, please."

"I'll even make it," the blonde promised, standing up behind Grace before the heiress could take the baby out of the enclosure, "A real kiss please."

The brunette smiled and pressed a proper, long kiss to Taylor's lips. She felt Taylor's hands travel lower before she pulled away, "Love you but no. Maybe later."

"I wasn't insinuating anything, actually. I was just untucking the cardigan from the back of your pants," she chuckled, one more kiss being shared, "And I love you too."

Grace blushed, "I didn't know we had this one, you left it on the chair. It's comfy, I might steal it."

If only you knew.

"I left it on there for you," the older woman replied, "Okay, I gotta get downstairs," she walked over to the playpen and picked up Alyssa, "See you later, sunshine. Mama loves you so much! Be good for Mommy."

She kissed Alyssa's forehead before passing her off to her wife, pecking Grace's cheek just in case she had forgotten to at any point (unlikely) and went to go downstairs.

Grace was in the dining room feeding Alyssa (who mostly put food on the floor), when her phone buzzed.

[gracekent21]: taylorswift made a post.

"What's Mama doing?" Grace asked, she too had a habit of talking to Alyssa as her way of thinking out loud, "Trees. Cool."

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