The Birthmark

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***A/N: This one's kinda cheesy and weird but oh well"

Kevins POV

I stare at the screen and admire the beautiful body in front of me. I've been obsessed with this dude's Instagram page since I found it. He never shows his face but he consistently posts risque photos of him nude with things covering his dick or him in costumes showcasing his ass, I can't help it... I love it. I'm a little ashamed to admit that I've jerked off to his posts before. I wanna know who he is so bad, I know he lives near me because I've seen him go into public and pose behind buildings I recognize, he's such an exhibitionist and it's hot as fuck. He's got a small birthmark on his hip and it's a little shaped like a giraffe. I need to know who this is.

I walk into school and walk up to Nat, "Yo! Do you know anyone with a birthmark shaped like a giraffe?"

"Huh?" Nat cocks an eyebrow.

"Do. You. Know. Any. One. With. A. Birth. Mark. Shaped. Like. A. Giraffe." Emphasizing every word.

"I heard what you said but that such a random question." he chuckles.

"I gotta know dude, do you?"

He thinks for a second, "I don't think so...why?"

"It's nothing..."

"Its nothing?! You're such a liar.."

I look around and see the few teammates around us talking to each other. I lean in, "Okay, you gotta promise you're not gonna make fun of me."

Nat laughs loudly gaining the guys attention, he smiles at them awkwardly and they go back to what they're doing. "You know I can't make that promise."

"Please dude. I'm serious. It's kinda personal."

Nat huffs, "Fine. I'll try my hardest."

I pull out my phone and type his username into the search bar, he pops up and I tap on his page showing Nat a picture that shows his birthmark. "I need to find this dude, I know he's from around here."

Nat looks at me with wide eyes and blinks rapidly. He leans in close and whispers, "You're gay?" I nod, he gives me a big smile and pats my back. "Dope dude"

I smile back and then turn our attention back to the phone, "Come on dude, do you know that birthmark?"

Nat stares at it for a second, "I'm sorry but no, I'll keep an eye out for it though"

I pat his back. "Thanks man"


The day continues on as normal, it's gym time and I realise this could be a perfect opportunity to see if I can find the birthmark, I'm gonna have to be sneaky though, I don't want people to think I'm checking them out.

After gym we make our way to the locker room, I peek around trying to check everyone's hip, so far, so good, no luck though. I finally decide to give up on my search and make my way to the shower stalls. As I'm walking towards a stall I see Double Dork taking a shower, I don't think he's realized he left the curtain open. His back is facing me and I look around seeing no one, I decide to ogle a little, not gonna lie, I feel a little like a creep but the view is nice. I've always thought Dork was a cute so I can't pass up this opportunity. I follow down the curves of his body, settling on his butt, so round and spankable. Edd starts turning around and now I'm really feeling like a creep, looking at his butt is one thing but looking at his dick is too far. I turn my attention to his face and chest, taking extreme caution not to let myself wander. I can't help but notice the line in between his pecs, it leads me lower, causing my eyes to wander down to his happy trail, I quickly dart my eyes to the side but something catches my attention, a darker brown patch on his hip. I allow myself to take a better look at this spot, suddenly my eyes go wide. That's the spot. That's the fucking spot.

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