New Edd: The Challenge

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This story contains a lot of mentions of drug use, specifically cannabis. If that's something that's triggering to you, don't read it.

Edd's POV

I see Kevin leaning against his locker, talking to some of his friends, including the infamous Butt King, Nat. After Kevin went home yesterday I decided I wouldn't mind being out in the open so my plan is to kinda just walk up to him and start being a affectionate and I'm sure eventually the others will catch on, no need to make a big deal of it.

I start walking toward the small group that's formed, "Hey! Double Delicious!" "How's it hangin my dude?"

"Hi Nathanial."  "I'm fine, yourself?"

"Can't complain, can't complain"

"That's good." I turn to Kevin and smile, "Hi."

"Hello there." I lean into him and he puts his arm around me. "Well extra hello there" he gives me a kiss on the top of the head. "I assume you've made a decision and this would be it."

"Yup yup." I tilt my head up at him and purse my lips asking for a kiss, he happily obliges.

"Awww! You two are da cutest." Nat coos

"Hey Kev, who's this?" One of his other friends asks.

"This is my boyfriend Edd." "Gotta problem with it?"

"Nah man just was hella confused for a second." "Plus like, you guys look like total opposites."

I chuckle, "I honestly hadn't thought about that but I do suppose it's true" I lean back and look Kevin up and down, white jeans, varsity jacket with a plain green t-shirt underneath and I'm decked out in black with hardware everywhere. I chuckle again and lean back into Kevin.

"You know what they say my dude, opposites attract." Kevin notes, his friend just shoots him finger guns and nods.

I sit there while Kevin talks to his friends, I'm not too incredibly interested in the conversation but the vibe is nice. Ever since Ed and Eddy moved I've been pretty lonely so having, just, people talking is nice.

"So are you gonna join us for lunch, Edd?" Nat puzzles.

I look up at Kevin and shrug, "Sure, why not?"

"Choice." Kevin responds


"Hey! Edd! I saved you a spot next to Kevvy Boi" Nat flags me down.

"Thank you that's appreciated."

Kevin looks up at me, "Hey baby." He purses his lips asking for a kiss, I lean down and give him one, earning a few weird looks from the rest of that table that's filled with jocks and cheerleaders.

I sit down and pull out my lunch. I pull out an extra one I made for Kevin and hand it to him, "I made you one."

He instantly starts beaming, smile stretched from ear to ear, "Thank you baby!" He gives me another kiss. "Best boyfriend on earth." he pushes the tray of food he bought towards one of the other guys in a varsity jacket "Tucker." he turns his head towards Kevin, "Want it?"

"Damn straight." Tucker grabs the tray and immediately starts devouring it, it's actually making me a little nauseous. He pauses for a second then looks at me, "Who's this?" He asks with food in his mouth, gross.

"Edd. My boyfriend." He responds. Tucker's eyes go wide for a second, "You got an issue with in?"

Tucker shakes his head no and smiles, "No man." he extends his fist towards Kevin "Didnt know you were on the same team." he winks and Kevin smiles and gives him a fist bump.

I smile at the, somewhat gross, interaction and rest my head on Kevin's shoulder and continue eating. "You okay?" Kevin asks squeezing my waist.

"Yeah, fine."

"You sure?"

"Yep, yep." "Do you have practice today?"

"Yes, unfortunately." "You are more than welcome to join me though." "Maybe I'll even make you practice throws with me." he nudges and winks at me.

"Oh hunny, you don't want to be outdone by a 'goth', do you?"

The table let's out a few 'oooh's and Kevin chuckles, "Oh! We're being cocky are we?"

"For good reason." A few more 'ooohs'

"Well you're gonna have to put your money where you mouth is then!" "You're coming to practice with me and we're gonna have a little competition."

I shrug, "Sounds good to me." I go to take another bite into my sandwich and see that the majority of the table is looking at me. I guess no one has ever interacted with Kevin like this, in the sense that I'm questioning his authority. I look up at Kevin to see him smiling at me, I nudge him and nod my head towards the onlookers.

He looks over and sees everyone staring at us. He throws on a tough face then speaks "What y'all staring at?"

"Sorry Cap, just never seen you be like that with someone" a random footballer speaks.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin responds.

"Like you seem happy and playful and stuff." he chuckles nervously.

Kevin starts laughing and the table nervously laughs along with him. I honestly dont know how to feel about the fact that they walk on eggshells with Kevin. I don't get it but I guess it's because he's seen as an authority figure. "You guys are ridiculous." "I know I've been an asshole in the past and I tend to be pretty serious at practice but I'm like a chill person." "Right babe?" Kevin looks at me.

I swallow my bite of sandwich, "It's true." "He's actually really nice and very much a jokester." "Nat knows aswell."

"Tru dat!" Nat chimes and goes back to eating his lunch, completely unphased by what's happening.

"See?" The table kinda shrugs in response. "Alright listen, I know that I've been kinda tough on all of you during this season so why don't I make it up to you and throw you a party on Friday?"

"Woohoo!! Par-tay!!!" Tucker screams and the table roars with cheers. Kevin and Nat join them with some fist bumps!

Soon the table settles and everyone goes back to eating and lunch ends.


"I look forward to kicking your ass." Kevin smirks as he leans against the locker adjacent to mine.

"Doubtful." I step closer and wrap my arms around his neck. "I do plan on winning and I think I deserve a reward for it." I purr.

"Oh? Well if I win I get a reward." He winks at me.

"Deal" I give him a quick kiss. "It's sealed with a kiss now."

Kevin chuckles, "You're cute as fuck, you know that?" I just blush and give him a long kiss, melting into his touch.

He reaches his hands down and squeezes my butt. I squeak and smack him lightly against his chest, "Naughty!"  He just smirks at me and does it again.

"Let's get to class before I take you right here in the hallway." I blush and nod then we walk off towards my class.

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