Reunited: Party Boy

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*WARNING* This chapter contains mention of heavy alcohol and drug abuse, if those are triggers for you, don't read this chapter.

Kevins POV:

We exit the Uber, thanking him for his time, and walk towards a fairly big house. Nat approaches the door and knocks harshly. Someone about our age answers the door, he's tall and lanky with bright green hair. "Hey! I'm so glad you could make it!! And you brought friends" he chimes, stepping aside and letting us in. I grab Edd's hand and follow Nat as the stranger leads us into the kitchen. "We've got loads of drink choices, pour whatever you want" he smiles and exits the kitchen again.

I speak up over the music, "Who's that?"

Nat smirks, "My future husband!"

I roll my eyes and walk up to the drink counter, dragging Edd behind me. "Alright, whatcha want babe?" I ask before giving him a small peck. "You want a mixed drink or a shot?"

"Let's do a few shots of vodka first." He smiles and I let go of his hand grabbing a couple of disposable shot glasses, filling them with vodka.

I hand one to Edd, "Cheers baby!" We tap the shot glasses on the counter and throw them back. I grimace as the fuel-like liquid hits my tongue. Edd's face is completely deadpan... "Did you take it?"

He smiles and nods showing me the empty shot glass. "Yep yep, let's do another"

My eyes go wide and I pour another, handing it to Edd. This time I watch.. trying to confirm what I saw. Edd shoots back the shot and.. nothing... no face. "Umm does that not burn like fire to you?"

He shakes his head no and gives me a kiss, "not really, guess I'm still used to the sensation?"

I chuckle, "Damn you really partied hard then, huh?"

He nods, "yeah. I would say a little too hard so I'm kinda looking forward to just some casual partying tonight."

I lean in and give him a long kiss, "I think I can work with some casual partying."

A few shots later and Edd and I are an appropriate level of drunk. I can't keep my hands off of him and he's consistently giggling. "Let's go dance." I hum in agreement as a response. Edd nods his head and we exit the kitchen, making our way to the living room where people are dancing. Edd pulls me toward the center of the crowd and starts dancing against me, I dance with him.

Eventually, we have our fill of dancing and go sit on the sofa. There are a couple of guys next to us passing a bong around. Edd turns to them, "Care to share?" They nod and hand it to him. He pulls a lighter from his pocket and lights it up, taking a massive hit before making a come here gesture with his finger, I lean in close and inhale the smoke he blows into my mouth before laying a kiss on me. He pulls away and smiles before handing the bong back to the other guys.

"I didn't know you smoked" he nods and smiles before giving me another kiss.

The bong makes its way back around again and Edd takes another massive hit then hands it and the lighter to me. I try to one-up Edd with a bigger hit and end up hunched over coughing. Edd hands the bong back to the beginning of the circle and pats my back. "You okay?" I give a thumbs up and he pets my hair. Once I sit up and Edd has, once again, confirmed that I'm okay, he speaks. "You really shouldn't try to out smoke me, babe."

I smirk at him, "Is that so?"

He nods, "you're just gonna end up hurting yourself." He gently places a hand on the side of my face before giving me a kiss.

A drunk Nat approaches us, "How's it going guys?"

"It's going well, Nathanial, how's it going for you?"

"Pretty good, pretty good. I got to touch Raves butt, so I'd say mission accomplished."

I throw my hand up, "High five, dude!"

Nat grins, "yeaaaahhhh" slapping my hand. Edd rolls his eyes and takes the bong being offered to him. He once again takes a massive hit and breathes out the smoke before handing the bong back. "Woah, since when did Double Delish start smoking?"

"A few years ago, after I left." His face falls slightly.

Nat reads his facial expression and speaks up awkwardly, "I think we need more drinks."

We stand up, Edd thanks the other guys for sharing and we make our way back to the kitchen. Edd grabs the bottle of vodka and grabs a solo cup pouring about three shots worth of vodka in it then chugs it back. I wrap my arms around his waist, "Woah, slow your roll, party boy."

"Hush." He pats my cheek, "This ain't my first rodeo"

We take a couple of shots together and I am officially blitz. I've got my body pressed up against Edd, I lean my head down and kiss Edd's neck. "Hey, baby" he lets out a 'mhmm?' I kiss his neck again. "We should go back to the dorms." I purr.

He giggles before giving my hair a light tug, I bite at his neck and he lets out a little whimper. "Let's let Nazz and Nat know we're leaving." I nod in response and Edd leads me back into the main party area. We soon find Nazz and tell her we're leaving, she shoots me a wink and I wink back. We find Nat but he's making out with Rave so we leave them be and go outside, ordering an Uber.

When the Uber arrives I open the car door and Edd slides in, I give him a scootching hand gesture and slide in next to him. I wrap my arm around him and give the top of his head a kiss, he tilts his head up and purses his lips at me, asking for a kiss. I give him a soft kiss.

"We all set?"

"Yes sir."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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