First Rule: I Deserve This

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Kevin's POV:

I've been attending the underground fight club since sophomore year of highschool as a way to take out the aggression I couldn't on my dad, he always abused both my mom and I, not just mentally but physically too. This is the only place in the world where I can go to release all my stress. There's something so satisfying about beating the shit out of someone and I would never say this to anyone but, I like getting punched, I feel like I deserve it, I treated people so poorly in middle and beginning of highschool. I'm now in my third year of college and I've remained undefeated since senior year.

I step into the cage and wait for anyone who dares to challenge me. The Ring Leader yells into the crowd, "Anyone here willing to fight the legend himself?!" The crowd quiets down and looks around to see if anyone volunteers.

A hand shoots up towards the back, "I will!" I feel like I recognize that voice but I can't put my finger on who it is.

"Well come right up!" the Ring Leader gestures towards the cage. He makes his way through the crowd but with the poor lighting, all I can see is a black hoodie. The announcer stops him as he enters the cage, "You sure you wanna do this?" He nods. "You know the only way you gettin out is if you tap or get knocked out, right?" He nods again. I still can't figure who this is, there's something familiar about him though.

He steps into the light and pulls his hoodie down, "Edd?" Holy shit. I can't fight him, I've beaten him up enough times for a life time and this isn't a simple school fight, if he doesn't tap out I have to knock him out, "I can't fight him!"

The Ring Leader looks at me, "What?"

"I can't fight him." I say plainly with wide eyes.

"Why not, Kev?" Edd speaks up. "Wouldn't be the first time."

"That's why I can't fight you!" I yell back at him.

The Ring Leader steps in between us and speaks quietly, "What's goin on here?" "You two got some history or somethin?"

"He used to be my bully." Edd responds. "And, frankly, I'm looking forward to kicking his ass." He smirks.

The crowd let's out a few Oo's. "What's the issue here, Kev?" the Ring Leader asks

I lean in and speak quietly, "I don't want to hurt him anymore."

"You won't" Edd retorts.

"Edd, just quit." "Leave!" I point to the door of the cage.

"No. I came here to kick your ass and I plan on doing so, now let fight"

"Edd just qu-" I'm cut off my Edds words.

"What? Too afraid to fight me? How's your dad? He still beating the shit out of you on a daily?"

"Edd sto-"

"What about your mom, eh? Heard she left, couldn't stand to see you, you reminded her too much of her abusive husband."

"Edd that's eno-"

"Enough of what, Kevin?" "Enough of stranger's knowing all your dirty little secrets?" "Enough of having your old punching bag ridicule you?"

"You know what?! Let's do this!" I gesture towards the Ring Leader, signaling him to leave the cage. He steps out of the cage and locks it.

We both back into opposite corners and Edd smiles, "I've been waiting so long to do this."

"Well good luck trying to kick my ass."

The bell chimes off and I charge towards him, throwing a punch his way, he shifts his body sideways and my hand rams into the chain link fence. I look at Edd wide eyed and he punches me in the nose. I fall back and look up at him, clutching my nose, he's got an evil grin on his face. I furrow my brow and kick his feet from underneath him, he falls to the ground and I get on top of him, I throw a punch and he moves his head dodging it once again. He lifts his knee up to my chest and pushes me off of him, I fall back. He jumps on top of me and lands another punch on my face, I deserve this, and another one. I block my face with my arms and turn my body sideways, knocking him off balance. We both jump up and put our fists up, I'm bouncing back and forth but Edd isn't. I lunge for him once again but he slips out of the way, again, I slam into the fence once more, he comes up behind me and pins me to the cage, leaning into my ear, "I've always thought you were really cute, used to have a major crush on you, too bad I'm gonna have to fuck up that pretty face of yours." Wait what? I'm in shock when suddenly his arm wraps around my neck, and he puts me in a choke hold, we fall to the floor. I'm too stunned to do anything and I can't think about what my next move should be, I feel myself getting light headed, fuck. I tap hard multiple times on his arm and he let's me go, "FUCK!" The crowd goes silent. I look up at him, "FUCK YOU, KEVIN! YOU COULDN'T EVEN LET ME BEAT YOU UP FOR MORE THAN 2 MINUTES?!"

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