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This is a one chapter story, enjoy.

Edd's POV

I dont belong here and I know it. My polite and submissive nature has gotten me into trouble, yet again. When Nazz invited me to her party she said 'just a couple people' and this place is absolutely packed!

I made my way through the crowd to find Nazz, clutching my beanie, when suddenly I bump into someone, "I'm so so so sorry!" I look up to see who it is.. Kevin? Oh heck.

"Oh! Hey Double Dork!" He yelled over the blaring music. "Are you having fun yet?!"

"Salutations Kevin!" "I'm looking for Nazz, have you seen her?!" He shakes his head no. "Okay, I'm gonna go try to find her!" I start walking away but he grabs me.

He pauses for a second like he's thinking something over, "Try the Kitchen!" He points to some brown saloon doors on the opposite of the room.

I nod, "Thank you!" He nods back.

I open the doors to the kitchen and see Nazz mingling with a few of her party goers. The kitchen is much quieter than the living area. She looks over at me, "Double D!! You made it!"

I smile, "Yes Nazz I made it but I feel like I've been tricked."

She pouts at me and holds my hands, "Why's that puddin?"

"You told me there'd only be a 'couple' people but this place is packed!"

She giggles. "Edd this is my definition of a 'couple' people." I shake my head. "Here" she hands me her cup. "Drink it, it'll help."

"That's unsanitary Nazz."

She huffs and goes to make a new cup pouring pineapple juice and a clear liquid into a red solo cup. "Try this." "Made it new, just for you." She smiles.

I take the cup and take a sip, it taste like juice. "This is yummy!"

She kinda just looks at me and nods, "Let me know when you finish it, I'll give you another one."

I take a big gulp of the drink she handed me, "Okay!" "Thank you!"

I sat at the kitchen table drinking my cup until it was empty. I think I'm getting used to the party, not quite so nervous anymore.

I walk up to Nazz, "I finished it can I have another one?"

Nazz turns around, "Already?!" "You might want to slow down big boy." I gave her a confused look. She puts a hand on my shoulder, "It's got vodka in it Edd."

"What?!" "You didnt tell me that!"

"I'm sorry I thought you knew." she shrugs

"Natalie we are not old enough to be drinking!"

She giggles. "Come on Edd, relax a little." "Isn't it helping?" I bite the inside of my cheek and look down nodding. "Well there you go." "How about a shot this time?"

"What's a shot?"

He giggles. "You're so cute, Edd." she drags me over to the counter filling up two small cups with the vodka and handing it to me. "Drink it, all at once!" "Ready?"

I nod, "Guess so." we both shoot back the clear liquid and I feel like its burned all my nostile hairs off and both of our faces scrunch up. "Nazz that's disgusting."

"Here drink this, its juice, it'll get the taste out of your mouth" I take a big gulp of the drink. I feel a little lightheaded. "Another?" She hands me another shot and I shoot it back then take another giant gulp of the juice passing it to Nazz. "One more?" She hands me another shot. I nod and toss it back drinking more of her drink. "Look Dee! You're a natural!"

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