18. Spy

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"Goodbyes hurt more than anything, especially when you know you will never see each other again."



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Second day of the school two days vacation, Sakura watched as the two prodigies fought. Their hair swaying as they continuously strike each other. Slender bodies moving gracefully and among the wind.

Neji whose movement is like water, twirled gracefully, his arm stretched forward and glowing blue. His white eyes on the other male he was fighting.

Itachi whose movement looked stiff, as if he knew what to do but his body won't just listen to what he wants to do, looked serious as if waiting for the male to lower his guard. His red eyes on the male, dodging his strikes with grace even if he was sweating and trying hard to move his body like what it used to do.

Sakura watched them under a tree, her hair in a loose braid, a medical book on her lap and a paper on top of it, writing what Itachi's schedules would be.

He ought to fasten his speed, he knew when things were going in his way but sometimes, his body would stumble because the flexibility he had in his life before and his speed was gone.

She grabbed a rock beside her in which where a pile of rocks was piled beside her form. She flicked it to Itachi's body, watching him dodge both her and Neji's strike with ease.

Her green eyes trailed down on their topless bodies and watched as sweats rolled on it.

Itachi having more slender body than Neji whose body is hard and firm and at the same time, slender.


Neji grunted as Itachi appeared behind him, a hand gripping his own glowing ones and another tapping the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra.


She closed her book, standing up and brushing her black pants. "Winner, Itachi."

The problem with fighting geniuses, she has learnt, is that they either try to end the fight with one punch, because they can, or they underestimate their opponent, allowing them to draw the fight out.

Neji was the latter and Itachi was the former.

Neji's fast jabs was to close his opponents chakra paths and with his fast movement, his opponent was too wary to attack the male and thus, that's when he attacks his opponents with accuracy all over their tenketsu.

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