Chapter 13: Crossing Paths

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Izzy's POV:

It has been 3 days of avoiding Grayson. It has been 3 days of pure torture. My mind has been drifting off in class. I can barely focus. I felt my phone buzz.

*From 26MGMT Cathy*
Izzy, be at my office in 20 minutes on the dot no excuses.

I went to the teachers desk and gave her a nod. She dismissed me and I saw Grayson follow. The school agreed to let us go when we had important meetings. I grabbed my stuff and left to the car park jumping in the car.

*15 minutes later*
I arrived at the modern office block. Rushing inside pressing the elevator closed before Grayson was even in the building eager to ignore him. But I had to use my best poker face to show him the whole incident didn't faze me one bit.

I ran down the corridor and straightened up my coat before I entered.

"Take a seat," she said coldly. " Where is Grayson?"
She didn't know we weren't together.

"He should be up her in a sec-,"

"Sorry I'm late," he said out of breath taking a seat opposite from me at the long board room table.

"Ok, all I'm going to say is you two are lucky John isn't here. He would have a heart attack and rip you both to pieces. Have a look,"

She pointed to the projector and with a click of a button. The photo was up there. In full view, my heart sunk. I saw Grayson's fists clench, his knuckles turn white and his jaw tighten. A hint of hurt in his eye as he looked at me.

"It's all over the Internet, it was leaked. Its trending worldwide,"

"Way to go Izzy, what fuck up," Grayson chimed in, leaning back in the leather chair, crossing his arms.

"Oh please, like you haven't done worse," I smirked copying his action.

Grayson's POV:

Does she know what I've done in the past?

"At least I wasn't grinding on my boyfriends best friend. At least I don't go around playing with people's feelings like the bitch you are," I spat standing up leaning over the table.

Then it happened a picture of Britney straddling me, my hands groping her ass as I closed her bottom lip between my teeth.

She looked like she was hurt.

"Are you sure you don't want to fix that last sentence up dickhead? I can't fucking believe you." She copied my action leaning over the table.

Cathy's POV:

I can't believe this. It could potentially ruin their career. Izzy just finished shooting for VOGUE! Grayson's a new ambassador for NIKE with Dolan twins football range coming out. They have he expelled premiere. Tomorrow!

"And why do you care so much I'm your friend, I'm just an irrational bitch'"she screamed

"Grayson who is this in he picture, don't tell me it's Britney!?" I questioned knowing their troubling past.

" I'm sorry I can't say it's not," he whispered looking down.

"How far did you two take it?" I questioned.

He sighed, and a saw a pang of guilt and regret in his eyes.

"How far you can go," He looked at Izzy his breathe shaking.

Izzy's POV:

"Oh my god," I said under my breath.

The tears were falling uncontrollably. It felt like someone had taken a knife and stabbed me in my gut. I wanted to throw up. We still kept eye contact so I just turned my back to him. My breath was uneven and I was gasping for air. I heard an angry conversation mostly compiled of angered whisperes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Claire's petite figure storm out the room and lock us inside with no escape.

Grayson's POV:

I walked around the table and went to Izzy to a pint where I was facing her.

"I hate you," she said

"I know,"

"I don't want to talk to you,"

"I know,"

"I don't want to ever see you again,"

"I know,"

"You hurt me,"

"I know baby, and I hate myself for it,"

She raised her head, and spoke "I gave myself to you Gray, is that not enough. Was I not enough. I'm sorry if I was a waste of you're time," she said in a honest tone. It stung, for the most perfect girl to think that she wasn't enough.

"Baby, you're more than enough. You're perfect, too perfect for me. I don't think that I'm good enough for you, I don't deserve you,"

"You know that's not true Gray, you're perfect everyone loves you,"


"I just don't like this feeling. I love you. So much. But I don't want to feel this again,"

No girl has eve told me she loves me. I can't afford to loose her.

"Izzy. I'll tell you why I called you a friend and said all those shitty things. I am afraid of commitment. I've been hurt before, so bad that I forgot I had a beating heart. I used girls for nothing but pleasure.
I treated them like rubbish and last night I went back to my old ways and I hated it. I was drunk. When I met you Izzy, I found I had a heart because I felt feelings I never knew existed. And I said those things because I was so afraid of being hurt again. I thought you wanted to leave me that I just-"

She pulled me into a kiss. I've never felt so much passion in my life. I let a tear slip down my cheek.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I'm sorry,"

"I'm sorry too,"

"Never again?" She questioned.

"I promise,"

"Gray I don't want secrets between us. I want to know about you're past. I don't want you to hide things from me."

"Ok, yeah. Of course tomorrow on the plain I'll open up."

Cathy's POV:

Thank god.

I walked back in.

"Take a seat."

And so they did.

"I've found a solution. You can't see Izzy's face in the picture. And since Britney has Izzy's hair colour it's unclear and the picture is grainy. I've called all the magazines and on behalf of you Grayson I've commented on a fans post in your Twitter identity that is was Izzy. I've called Britney and told her to go along with her and paid her to keep her mouth shut. Tomorrow to two will fly out to LA. I will be you're portable manager because this little fiasco will not repeat itself. And if it does the next 12 months will be hell for both of you."

They signed with relief.

"You are dismissed."

They exited the building.

Hope you guys are liking it x

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