Chapter 4: Bad News

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Izzy's POV:

Oh My God.
Not now Izzy, not now.
You've just started he could be bad news.

But He's perfect.

I was frozen but my legs continued on as I sat down. It was like we were the only ones illuminated in a lonely dark room. Yet I could still feel eyes burning into me. We stared at each other for what felt was a flawless eternity. I built up courage and spoke.

"Hi," was all I said. I Guess it's a start.

"Hey Beautiful," he relied in his raspy voice with the hottest accent.

I just blushed and turned away immediately before I passed out. I felt dizzy and weak at the knees. I pretended I was paying attention but it was all blur. He left the room when we had 5 minutes of free time. Jade turned me around forcefully and brought her face close to mine.

"What in the hell was that?" she whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I replied innocently

"Oh don't act dumb. Listen I wouldn't if I were you."

"Wouldn't what?"

" Get involved with him."

"What makes you think I can't handle him?" I asked teasingly raising an eyebrow

"You're too nice. You are super sweet, confident, strong willed, intelligent and too good for him plus you are too innocent. In fact he wouldn't be able to handle you."

"Please he can't be that bad."

"Well, he's a good kid just be careful okay?" She smiled

"Okay, thanks for looking out for me," after all that was super cool of her to do like to be protecting me.

"What are besties for?"

We grabbed our stuff and walked out of class. our first period on a Monday was study hall so we had free time considering we had no work. I got to meet everyone and I found out our whole class is our group! 20 people is a lot. That's when 'he' approached me.

"Hey babe, what's up," he said and winked.

"Not much handsome, you ?" He was flirting, two could play at this game.

" Oh I don't know just talking to the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

"Cheesy but I guess I will let it slide."

" Ouch, I didn't catch your name."

" It's Isabella but I go by Izzy, yours?"

"That's a pretty name, and my name is Grayson"

"I think I'll call you Gray,"

"And I'll call you later."

Damn Boy.

He handed me his phone and I punched my number in it. I walked away and made sure to sway my hips as I went over to "my girls" who "oohed" at my contact with the bad boy. I haven't heard any stories so he can't be that bad, could he?

The day flew by thanks to Grayson's charm. Lunch was fun and class was great I can't wait for the pep rally and hangout tomorrow night. I got home did my homework, had a shower and dinner. I went on my phone and posted the selfies we took together. then my orange instagram notification popped up. My follower account had gone up by 10 thousand because of Grayson's post of him and I. I smiled at it and fell back when I got a text.

*From Grayson*
Goodnight gorgeous x

*To Grayson*
Goodnight Handsome x

I went on his profile and discovered him and Ethan his twin were Vine famous! And I guess instagram famous, along with Jack D, Jack G and Hayes. I fell back and shut my eyes, I can't wait for school.

Jeez for chapters I need to slow down 😂

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