Chapter 29: Bad News

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(This is a flashback to a text from Grayson to Izzy which I forgot to cover. It was sent in the earlier weeks of her move when she tried to contact him.)

Grayson's POV:

*To Grayson*

I miss you. I just want you to talk to me, or be normal for once.

I couldn't believe she had the nerve. Is what she did normal? Is that what couples do? The nerve.

This just added fuel to the fire, Ethan had been pissing me off and I have just cleaned out my Dads liquor cabinet.

My thumbs formed a mind of there own and started rapping away at the letters on my screen... and send.

*To Izzy*

Normal? You are a psychotic bitch. You keep things from me and throw them on me when you're ready. I can't fucking do the things I like incase you something coming up. And I only get and explanation when it suits you. Selfish bitch, hey baby how's about make you own success instead of using me for fame xx

After I sent it I deleted it immediately. As soon as That was done I emptied my stomach of the alcohol. It wasn't the drinks, I made myself sick. Everything on there was a lie. She was the complete opposite.

Oh yeah I then passed out and hit my head pretty bad on the tiles of the bathroom floor.

Hayes's POV:

I was playing Candy Crush on Izzy's phone. We were at this Italian place but Nash, Cam and Izzy were having 'nerd conversation' about adult stuff like politics. My phone went flat so she gave me hers but we just carried on our night until her phone buzzed.

Knowing my luck I swiped up to try get a combo and accidentally opened up a text that can through. I felt sick to my stomach when I read it. Fucking asshole, he doesn't deserve her. And she doesn't deserve him, or heart break. I decided to delete it, for her to savour her happiness and pretend it never happened for her sake.

* Fast forward to Izzy's emotional breakdown*

She had just spilled her feelings out to me and that outburst would be much worse if I had told her what had happened. I clutched her to me chest and felt a lump in my throat. I felt guilt. I should've told her sooner, she could've avoided this heartbreak. I need to convince her to move on and she seemed pretty excited about Justin when I mentioned him. He is a good guy and she deserves someone better.

*Fast forward to party*

"Hey Izzy," I grabbed her arm and she turned smiling at me.


"I need to tell you something. The nigh we were at the pizza place Grayson sent me this message..."

I told her what had happened and she looked hurt.

"I'm not telling you this to upset you. This is just confirmation that it's okay to let go. You deserve better,"

Izzy smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you. You saved me a lot of pain and just convinced me that...its okay to move on and make myself happy," she smiled.

I threw my arm around her shoulder and walked to the entrance of the VIP lounge.

She tugged my hand and stared into my eyes.
"Let's get fucked up", she laughed.

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