Chapter 25: All Bad

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Izzy's POV:
I opened my eyes cautiously waiting for that feeling to hit me like a truck. Yeah, yeah another hangover, same old shit but a different day right?

I hauled myself out of bed and lunged towards the bathroom and emptied the toxins of the alcohol from last nights party out of my system. I guess I really am conforming to the norm of your typical, privileged, troubled LA teen. But I must admit I do the role justice.

I went about my day cleaning up after one of the boys 'small gathering' which has become a routinely habit. I don't really have a problem with it, it's the only thing keeping my thoughts preoccupied from him. It's hard. All I can think about is him and I felt trapped and isolated by my thoughts until last night. I finally met a girl who isn't a pretentious wannabe and we hit it off straight away. She introduced herself to me as Liz, and I had the best night I have had here so far which is an improvement, oh and she has the most adorable crush on Hayes.

"Izzy, you look brain dead", hayes yawned and sat down on a barstool.

"I feel brain dead. This place really puts a strain on my health, I can feel my liver crying", I sighed dropping another red cup into the trash bag.

"Lighten up sunshine, you're just getting started. This is where it's at, what it's all about."

Hayes picked up a cup and twirled it delicately, smelt it then took a swig.

"Man you are gross," I giggled snatching it away from him and emptying the contents on the floor.

"So... how's... u-uh...Grayson?"

I swallowed hard and tucked a piece of hear behind my ear.

"He' Grayson I guess haha. Just doing his thing," I smiled, trying to put on an act.

"You haven't spoken to him have you?"

"Of course I have, all the ti-"

"Stop lying. He hasn't replied back to any of the guys, nor me. So something's up, plus I never hear or see you on the phone or sky ping with him so-"

"What do you want?" I asked scooping liquor bottles into the bag.

"What do you mea-",

"Why would you say that if you didn't want an explanation? What do you FUCKING want from me?! " I screamed.

Hayes got up of the chair and paced towards me slowly.

" To give you the pleasure of telling you that my relationship is failing when that is what you want! To tell you that he cut me off after he told me he loved me and didn't want me to leave! And that he just let me go and doesn't reply or obviously doesn't care when he told me he did!"

By now tears were streaming down my face hot and heavy but I took no notice, all that coursed through me was a numbing ache from the lump in my throat. hayes grasped my wrists and was looking into my eyes.

"Everything he ever said to me was a lie! Everything we did was fake. Hayes I gave myself to him!!!"

I slumped into the bar stool and he held my face.

"I gave my-myself to him. He was my first, because I thought he loved me. But he took advantage of me. It fucking hurts," I whispered.

He pulled my into his chest and I sobbed, soaking the fabric of his T-shirt.

The worst thing was I could feel a sleepy Nash and Cam peering silently around the corner, woken up from the commotion.

"I'm so sorry. It wasn't right, to take it out on you. It was pent up frustration and I just... I am so sorry Hayes, I can't-"

He told the pads of his thumbs and swiped away the remains tears.

"Izzy. Stop it's okay, I don't mind. And it's not your fault, I provoked you, I asked and got involved in something that had nothing to do with me. And I never had any idea what he did to you. And Izzy if I had I swear to god I would've-"

"Kicked his ass? I would've to and I will if that bitch ever takes a step near you." Nash said placing his hand on my shoulders from behind and a kiss on my head.

"You know what we need to do? Get party planning people, it will take our mind of the stress and we can start the countdown to the best night of our lives". Cameron said nudging me.

Maybe LA isn't so bad after all. Maybe this is what I needed to re-evaluate my life and better it once and for all.



Hey guys I'm back, sorry i was gone for so long I missed writing so much. And wow you guys are so amazing thank you to everyone who votes and reads, love you guys x

If you have any character requests or plot twists, please submit I'll be happy to add it in. In the next the weeks expect a lot of updates x

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