Chapter 7: Tree House

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Izzy's POV:
We met at the park it was pitch black, only one street light illuminating the grass. We started off into the woods. I was scared, but I didn't want to chicken out and for them to think I'm being childish. We walked for miles talking and laughing, but I had a bad feeling about this as is something bad was going to happen. My stomach felt uneasy. Suddenly we came to a stop under a thick tree. Ethan turned on the torch and pointed it upward to a beautiful cottage hidden amongst the leaves of an overgrown tree. I was in awe.

"We have been working on it since 6th grade. Its our little hideout," Said Grayson clutching my hand.

"Yup, our little piece of paradise," Britney sighed and gave Grayson and adoring look. She looked down to the shadow of our interlocked hands and spun in a quick manor climbing the stairs. I followed after her.

It was beautiful, enough couches to seat 20, a small kitchen unit, a rustic fireplace and a TV set. The perfect hangout. But something was unsettling about the outside, the darkness. Through the glass, I could feel eyes peering up but saw no one. I shrugged it off and turned my attention the 9 teenagers staring at me.

"What?" I giggled

"It's time," spoke hayes

"This is your initiation Izzy," Said Jade smiling up at me

Now I know why Britney was so excited to bring me here and why she was so encouraging when I felt off about the situation. But know she looks bitter, a blank expression on her face that I could not read. When she noticed me looking she reached out her hand pulling me to the couch. The boys gathered around and one by one pulled out bottles of Jack Daniels, vodka the works. Then Ethan pulled out some weed.

"Don't worry," he spoke with a gentle tone. "Its for stress you'll need it."

"We are the popular group and thanks to the Dolan's, Jack's and Hayes we are also famous on social media. And you are too. It might sound confusing but because you are around us you are like us you have like 300,000 followers on Instagram now. The numbers will only increase. So you now have pressure to look your best and act like a popular person should," said Jade.

"We have been published in magazines and on blogs with false media rumours for entertainment purposes. And it can be damaging to the boys' career because it's there name on the line," said Chelsea

"So you have to drink trust me it sounds bad but it's the only way to forget about stress," said Britney handing me a bottle

"Go ahead, " Jade said.

Jade's POV:
"Go ahead," I said, yup. I didn't want this for Izzy. But they forced me to do it or I was out but I don't want to be. Constant partying, brushing shoulders with celebrities and being envied by everyone that lays eyes on you. What's not to like? Oh yeah the shit that it brings drama, dumb decision and it creates assholes. But I love this lifestyle and I'm addicted.

She picked up the bottle and unscrewed the cap.
"Bottoms up," She said taking a huge sip.

Then they emptied by the tens. The smell or marijuana got so sickening I had to go outside for a bit to cool off. Izzy was wasted we all were and music was blaring we were having a great time.

I decided to open Twitter where I got dm's probably from Ethan's fans. They were so sweet and supportive of our relationship. Not this time. A photo of Ethan kissing a girl, Chelsea. My heart sunk as a tear slipped down my cheeks. I saw bright lights flash but it was probably a side effect from intoxication. I ran up the stairs and pelted my phone at Ethan's face.

"Don't ever talk to me again," I tried to hold it together but the floodgates had opened, hot tears pouring unforgivingly.

Ethan picked up the phone and bit his lip. " Jade, babe please I can exp-"

By now all eyes were on us. "Don't call me that! And Explain what, that you fucked around with a first class whore?"

"Jade! What is wrong with you?!" He yelled after Chelsea ran out crying as if it was my fault.

"What's wrong with me? Go fuck yourself."
I grabbed my jacket and stormed out, Ethan hot on my heels.

Ethan's POV:

I ran after her and a flash went off.

I went back inside, why did she call her that. Maybe Jade is a bitch after all. No, she's not. I'm just in denial.

All I remember was things crashing, I trashed the house throwing glass everywhere.

Izzy's POV:

I knew someone was outside. Should I have spoken up? Well they might have said I was just drunk or going insane.

Grayson grabbed my hand and pulled me onto this narrow balcony whit was a small ledge connected to the treehouse. He shut the door and sighed.

"I needed to get you out of there, with the glass shards flying around. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Scary, but okay," I smiled and he laughed.

"So how does it feel, to be a socialite?"

"Um, I don't know yet. But strange so far."

" Oh my party has been postponed until next Saturday because my parents delayed their trip to next week."

"Oh okay. "

He turned to me and cupped my face in his hands.
"I have wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you," he breathed.
He started leaning in my mind was telling me no, he's band news. But in that moment I could not give a fuck because right now i was making out with Grayson Dolan.
I just need to add that the whole crew is famous now because of the boys who in this story are 17 and have about 15 million followers on vine. They go to red carpets and appearances in the summer and some weekend and are known as their entourage. So they are always in magazines and on E news and that kind of thing.
Izzy is also partially famous because of her modelling and Her work is being recognised more because of her involvement with the stars.

Hope you guys are liking it. 💕

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