Chapter 9: Mangement

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Izzy's POV:
Today is the day of Tyler Daniels party. I'm pretending not to be excited for Grayson's sake, I mean it's a party after all it's going to be fun. But before that Grayson and I have to attend a very serious business meeting at his management's agency. It's about signing a contract to be legally involved in all the media announcements and make official appearances at events as a couple.

*3 hours later*
We jumped out the car and headed toward the towering building, the modern interior was breathtaking and looked like a million bucks, literally. The receptionist gave us passes to get to the 23rd floor. Gray and I arrived hand in hand, smiles gleaming as we walked into the boardroom. John and Cathy, Grayson and Ethan's primarily appointed managers greeted us and offered us a seat.

"Now Izzy, these are the contracts you will be signing. They entail very specific requirements and conditions. Under the law of the United States of America you are abiding to a legal contract," Said Cathy

"We know you guys are madly in love at this point in your relationship. But things can turn sour, we've all witnessed it. Kids, signing this contract means you will be together for a consistent additional 12 months with no breaking of the contract. If you do, the media as well as courtroom will be a mess, so will your lives. But we don't want that to happen and we will not let it happen," Said John in a stern tone

My mind was racing, I looked down to our intertwined fingers and saw Grayson tense at '12 months'. I completely understand I mean you can't predict what a relationship will entail. And 12 months is a long time.

Cathy saw the worry in his eyes. "Don't worry, the grass is greener on the other side the pay checks, publicity, business opportunities. It's a never ending Jack pot."

At this Gray relaxed.

John slid papers toward us and placed a pen on the dotted line. Grayson signed it straight away with no question of a doubt. Whereas I absentmindedly picked up the pen hesitantly. John definitely noticed.

"There won't be one regret. I promise. It's for the best."

With that I picked up the pen and scribbled across a mountain of documents.

"Alright. Done and dusted. Your first assignment is the appearance at the Expelled premiere, with vine star Cameron Dallas. It's on a Wednesday night and you'll be flown out on Monday to get settled in, Tuesday fittings, Wednesday the real thing and Thursday you're out of there $10,000 richer." Cathy smiled placing her hands on my shoulders.

Grayson's POV:

I took a sip of my water.

"$10,000 richer," Cathy smiled

I spat my water chocking on its remains.

"$10,000?," Izzy questioned.

"Each," John smiled back.

We walked out the office and got a celebratory Mc Donald's meal. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. Well time to get ready for the PARTY. Let's celebrate.

Hope you guys think it's okay so far 💕 Happy New year btw I'll probably update before but just in case x

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