"Are you insinuating something?" Evie gave a disgusted look to Sarah.

Rudy realized that Jack was probably working, Nova ran off alone and he wasn't in the mood to fight with Evie. He simply slipped away and went to find his friend, she was hurting and she needed someone.

Rudy approached the production office that they shared their first chemistry read months ago, he could hear her sobs as soon as he opened the door. Nova was in a chair, rocking back and forth, she looked like she was in a daze, crying so hard she couldn't catch her breath.

"Nova," Rudy rushed over to her. He leaned down in front of her, the look in her eyes was pleading, she was terrified. After her listening to him rant about Evie last night, being here for her was the least he could do.

"I- I can't stop it," she choked out.

"Shh," Rudy hushed her, he pulled her into him, they sat on the floor as her panic attack took over her every thought. He held her close and rubbed her hair, she mentioned that was something her mom would do to calm her down when she was a little girl.

"It's okay," he whispered and he repeated small statements like this until her breakdown turned into small cries.

"Talk to me if you can, Nova," he whispered to her.

"I'm just stressed," she whispered. "Today was a lot for me."

"I know," Rudy rested her head on his chest, holding her close to him.

"I know it was acting, but with the previous scene, I was losing it," she admitted.

"If it triggered you, you know you don't have to watch; you can always go," Rudy explained.

"I can handle this, I didn't mean to freak out," she wiped her face of the tears.

They sat there for a while while she talked it out and repeated things, she couldn't help it, but that was how she dealt with the panic attack. Rudy just sat there with her, offering kind words when they were appropriate.

"I'm sorry, I look like a giant baby, I know," her voice was finally normal and she could talk without shaking.

"No you don't, Nova. Everyone out there understands, we don't care and we won't judge you, you know that," Rudy assured her.

This felt like the right time to tell him, she looked up at Rudy with sad eyes, she was going to have to break his heart. "Rudy?"

"What is it, Nova?"

"I have to talk to you," she replied.

The look at her face made it seem serious, "What's wrong?"

"I don't want you to get mad," she breathed out.

"I promise I won't get mad at you," Rudy whispered, moving her hair from her face.

She was going to tell him about the night her mom died, but she decided not to, today was too much for her and she just wanted to get done. "Just scroll through these, please?"

She watched as his face distorted and ultimately fell, his features etched with hurt and confusion. He didn't say anything, he just handed Nova her phone and continued to stare at the floor. "Rudy?" Nova rested her hand on his arm.

"I knew it, I just had a feeling. The day I walked away from you guys I regretted it," he admitted.

Nova started silently crying again, she hated seeing people hurt, especially the people that she cared about. "What are you going to say?" Nova wiped off her tears for the millionth time today.

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