Chapter 12 - Past Memories

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Error's POV

These past few hours, Ink seemed pretty tense. Then again, it could just be me.

I've been playing around with my strings for awhile. I noticed Ink had been chewing on something.

That something was blue. It looked like a string.  I squinted my eyes in an attempt to get a clearer view of what he was eating.

It was a fricken string. Why the hell is Ink eating a string?

I quickly yanked it out of his mouth.

"Whyyyy?" Ink whined.

"Why what? You're eating a string! You don't know if it could hurt you."


"No buts. I swear you're like a child sometimes."

"But it was tasty." He snuggled up against me.

"You're weird." I chuckled.
He playfully pouted.

A few minutes of silence went by until I heard Ink quietly laugh to himself.

"What's so funny?"

"Think about it. We used to be enemies, yet here we are. We're all starting to get along with each other."

I pulled him into my lap. "True. True. But you're still short."

"Shut up."

We both fell quiet again. To think of it, it's probably uncomfortable for Ink.

I don't know what to talk about honestly. I don't want to ask about a sensitive topic towards him, but then again, I don't know much about his past. Ink is a pretty secretive person. I don't know much about him other than he's a gay flag, likes sweets, and is still short.

..that isn't much...

Would it be smart to ask about his past though? I could use it as a chance to get to know him better. Readers are probably gonna scold me for asking.

"Hey Ink, can I ask you something?"

"I dunno, can you?"


"I'm just joking Ru. What's up?"

"The ceiling. But as I was saying, what was your life like before you met us?"


"Your backstory." I laughed.

He was quiet. That's never a good sign.

"Uh..was it a bad idea to ask?-"

"No, no. It's fine. I didn't think I'd be able to keep it a secret for this long, honestly." He laughed. You could tell it was forced.

He climbed off my lap as he grabbed a pillow. Nooo, the smol isn't on me lap.

He took a couple of seconds before starting, lightly squeezing the pillow.

"Alright, so my au, where I came from, wasn't exactly... mmmm.. finished. It was pretty much a white void with a couple of monsters here and there."

"At that time, I was the only completed one there. They didn't have a soul, so they couldn't really feel emotions."

((Magical flashback to one of Ink's traumas~))

3rd Person

It's been a couple of weeks since their creator was last seen. Not even a single word.

Our little creator and his brother were sitting next to each other.

"Maybe they had to do something..?" Ink quietly mumbled to himself.

"Or they abandoned us."

"No! We can't think like that. They're probably busy. Or maybe even sleeping! They couldn't leave us alone... right?" His last sentence was barely above a whisper. It was clear that Ink was heartbroken, yet he still had hope.

He hoped maybe the creator had taken a break of some sort, and they'll be back good as new. All that hope he had, only for it to be ripped from his little hands.

"Face it Ink. They left us."

"No. They couldn't. Sure, they weren't confident with their work, but that doesn't mean they should give up!"

"Ink. Life isn't always perfect. Learn to grow up and accept that we've been abandoned." His brother scoffed.

Even after being told that, he was determined that the creator will come back.

Determination doesn't solve all our problems.

((Frisk sitting there like, "watch me running this whole man's career."))

Weeks went by as no sign what-so-ever came from their creator. It's true, they've been abandoned.

Ink came to realize that his brother was right. He left useless, scared, confused. 'What happened?'

So many words to describe what he was feeling. He started to lose his mind.

He was alone, in a white, endless void. Nobody would hear him. But who would care?


"I did something stupid.." Ink whispered.
"I couldn't take it anymore. So..I.."

Error moved towards the smaller. Hesitant, he asked, "Ink. What did you do..?"

"I..I took my soul..and ripped it." Ink buried his head into the pillow, continuously mumbling 'I'm sorry'

Error was lost for words. Once he noticed the smaller crying, he quickly pulled Ink into a hug.

((I just realized how much crying is in this book. I'm sorry xD))

"It's my fault. I could've done better." Ink said in-between sobs. 

"No Ink, it's not your fault. Don't ever blame yourself for what happened." Error said as he softly rubbed circles on Ink's back.

Error gently pulled Ink onto his lap. Ink wrapped his arms around his lover's neck.

"Ink, look at me."

He did as he was told and looked into Error's eye lights. Ink's face was drenched with tears.

Error took his thumb to wipe the tears on Ink's cheekbones.

"Hey, don't cry. Mmm.." Error tried thinking of something to make Ink happy. He suddenly got an idea. Not the best, but something is better than nothing.

"Wanna get nice cream?"

Ink's face brightened as he quickly nodded.

"Com' on, let's go." He picked up Ink and set him down on the floor.

Ink slid his hand into Error's as they walked into a portal to a nice cream stand.

((Apparently, there's a beachtale that I did not know about .__. wE gOiNg tHerE fAm-))

They took off their shoes and started walking in the sand. The beach was empty. The sunset reflected off the ocean. The water from the waves continued to move onto land, getting their feet wet as they proceeded to walk and eat their nice cream.

Word count:

I don't know what else to put •//w//• sorreh- snusbysbywybywhnjw

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