Chapter 11- a fricken hot journal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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((Self-harm warning))

Ink's POV

A heavy arm was resting on my lower waist.

I felt like shit as I slowly opened my eyes. Error, the owner of the random arm on my waist, was leaning on his other arm all while laying on the floor.

The others were sitting on the couch while some sat on the floor. Dream was still laying in a starfish position, but noticeably awake.

They were talking about something. My head, on the other hand, was pounding.
(("Pounding"~(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) I'm so sorry-))

I groaned before slightly shuffling around. Error noticed my sudden movement and looked down at me.

"You okay?" He whispered near where my ear would be before giving a little peck on my cheekbone. ((I don't even know if that's the proper grammar, sjnsksbe))

I hummed in a tone that would be taken as 'yes'

"Love birdsss~" Killer teased from the couch.

"Shut up, we all know you like him." Error snapped back.

Killer's best response was to throw a pillow at Error. And that my friend was the start of war.

Error carefully removed his arm from around my waist as he yeeted the pillow into Killer's face.

"Here we go again.." Nootmare mumbled.

"You wanna catch these hands?" Killer screeched from behind the counter in the kitchen.

"Square up then!" Error yelled back with a pillow in hand.

Killer quickly went for a pillow and threw it at Error. It missed and instead hit me in the face as I fell with it.

"Oh it's on." I grabbed the pillow that was thrown at me and threw it at Killer.

"2 against 1! That's cheating- ACK" Killer got hit in the face once again, cutting his sentence off.

"Wait what's for breakfast?" Dream suddenly sat up. That was a big mistake as Killer threw a pillow at him.

"Thanks, I needed it anyways." Dream said as he placed it underneath his head as he threw himself back.

"Well, he's dead."

"EWWWWWWW" Nightmare screamed from the kitchen fridge.

"What?" Cross yelled back.

Nightmare came back with a disgusted face while holding on to some green, leafy object.
"This monstrosity."

"..night..that's lettuce."

"EEEEEwwWw" He said again as he threw it into my face.

"Why am I being targeted here?"

"Because you're" Blue joined the conversation.
Dust looked up in confusion.

"Lord help this poor soul." Croos looked up at the ceiling.

"Why isn't Cross attacked? With all that clothing on it shouldn't effect him." Reaper pointed out.


"Antarctica looking ass." Horror mumbled from under the table. Why is he there? I don't know. How'd he fit is the real question.

"I heard that."

"You were supposed to."

"I refuse to throw this knife at you because we're in Ink's house."

"Bish, try me." Horror said as he slithered from underneath the table.

Faking A Smile [Errorink] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now