Chapter 30 - They'll Know

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Me when I desperately try to write a chapter to keep the book from completely dying.
Very sorry. I'm still making a plot- kind of.

Dream's POV

"'Go ask him yourself!'"

"'I will.'"

Ink told me to go ask myself, so I am- two days later though.

During those two days, I didn't think I wanted an answer.
Ink could be denying it. Although Fresh is a close friend of ours, it would be going too far- whatever his motive could've been.

I spoke to Fresh yesterday over text to give him a bit of a heads up that I would be coming the following day. He surprisingly agreed.
At that moment, I was starting to get ready to go. I don't plan on staying long.

Something made me nervous. As I said, I don't know if I wanted an answer. It would most likely change the way I view him.

As I exited through the front door, I took in a deep breath and tried to reassure myself it would be alright.
You're exaggerating. It won't be that bad.

I pulled out my staff and teleported to his front yard. I looked around before starting to approach his front door.

Today had been a bit of a chilly day, and sweaters are comfortable, so I took it as a chance to wear a sweater- more of a turtle neck. The best part is: it has pockets.

I reached my hand out and rang his doorbell. Doorbells kind of catch me off guard. The sudden ring never gives me ease.

I waited a bit more until I heard the door starting to unlock. I took one more deep breath and smiled.

"Hey, Fresh!"

"Yooo, what's up." He replied with a smile and stepped to the side.

I took a step inside and took off my shoes. I can't stand when people walk in homes with shoes on- especially when they've been worn outside.

He closed the door behind me, "Take a seat bro."

I did, awkwardly.
Although I did know Fresh as a close friend, it's not very often we hang out alone like this, not to mention after the whole incident with Error, if he needed to, I don't think things would end well.
He wouldn't have a reason to, hopefully.

I looked over at Fresh as he made his way to the kitchen.
"Interested in hot chocolate? It's not that cold, but who says you have to drink it with freezing weather?"

"Yeah" I nodded.

I heard some pots and pans bang against each other, and sounds of mugs hitting against each other, and eventually, he came back into the kitchen with two cups of warm hot chocolate.

I thanked him and carefully took the mug from his hand.

I wanted to wait until I brought it up.
We sat quietly together and sipped on our drinks.
Surprisingly I haven't burned my tongue.

"Ssoooooo, how are things going?" Fresh asked, assuming to break the silence.

"Ahh, I'm alright, thank you. What about you? How are things holding up?"


We sat in silence. Again.
This is so awkward.

"So, what made you want to hang out?" He again asked with a smile.
I thought I was supposed to be asking the questions.

"Uhh, I wanted to talk to you about something- if you don't mind that is."

Fresh looked more interested and looked over at me. His glasses changed to question marks as he sat up.

"You know, what happened to Error, " I started. I looked over at Fresh and he started to look visibly uncomfortable, "it's really been messing up Ink. And I'm sure you're worried about Error too. I mean, you guys are brothers after all."

My brother has been someone who was really good at guilt-tripping, so I thought maybe I could try
We both care about them so I thought maybe I could use Ink and Error.
This isn't something I do often, and hopefully, it gets something out of him.

Fresh had turned his head to the side.

"Fresh," I said, waiting for him to look back at me.

"Yeah?" He asked, sounding uncertain.

"We both care about them, right?"
Gosh, I didn't know what I was doing. I feel like a complete idiot.

Fresh hummed in agreement with a slight nod.

"Do you think you might have an idea about what happened to him?- other than the whole- you know."

It was my best shot. I'm so inexperienced-

But, Fresh looked like he wanted to say something.
He didn't. He only shook his head.

"Are you sure? Anything at all?" I asked again, trying to sound desperate.

"No. I'm sorry."

I was starting to get annoyed.


We sat in silence for a bit more until I decided to just leave.
I sighed and stood.

"I'm gonna get going now. Thanks for letting me come over, and thank you for the hot chocolate."

Fresh nodded, no longer looking uncomfortable. "No problem. Take care." He said with a smile.

I walked out the door and teleported back home.

Maybe I asked at the wrong time.

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