XVIII: Disappointment

Start from the beginning

He slipped his tongue into my mouth entangling the two. He then bit my tongue with his teeth and squeezed my hair with his soft hands causing me to let out a loud moan. My hands were doing a dance of their own moving around on his back. They made their way to his ass and squeezed it in a not so gentle way, earning me a moan from the other. Things were getting so heated I felt a single drop of sweat fall from Saint's forehead.

Right when I was about to take off his shirt he pulled away from the kiss and smiled at me. God only knows how much I love that smile of his. It's filled with so much love and happiness and it pains me he never got any of that in his childhood.

"Now you listen to me Zee Pruk Panich. There is NOTHING you could ever do to make me disappointed in you. Sure we may have a few arguments here and there but that's how a relationship works. We make mistakes and we get back on our feet together."

I pulled him into a hug resting my head on his chest.

"I love you, you know that"

"I know baby. I love you too. And there is nothing you could ever do to change that.


Aim's POV

When me and Willie first met I was 18 and he was 34. We may have had our age difference but I loved him senseless and I know he felt the same way. With what started out as strictly sex turned into a fully blossomed relationship. We were so happy to the point of no return until I found out I was pregnant and he had a son with his ex-wife before we met.

I was heartbroken as to why he didn't tell me before. He said and I quote:

"He's nobody, you're the only person in my life that matters."

You can imagine how happy I was back then how he gave up his own son for me. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I felt no sympathy for the son who never got any love from Willie.

My perfect world came crashing down when I told him I was pregnant. I've never seen him so angry before in my life. He said abort it or put it up for adoption.

I was so in love with him that I never went to a doctor's appointment to check on the baby. I just didn't care.

Turns out I was pregnant with twins. I gave them away separately.

What happened to Willie's son you may ask?

He gave him away to, to one of his rich friends. Telling them he never wanted to see the kid again.

I still remember his name

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