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The day after killing both Erik and Esther, Luna decided to head over to the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan and Damon had spent some time with Luna and the Mikaelsons the night before before they went home.

The two brothers had somewhat bonded with the Mikaelsons and were on good terms with them. In fact Klaus and Stefan seemed to have started on the path of regaining the relationship they had back in the 20s, except Stefan actually had his emotions on this time.

Luna had decided that it was time for her father and uncle to officially meet Kol since she refused to let them be alone with her husband at any point the night before.

"Dad?" Luna called out as she entered the Boarding House.

"In here," Damon called back to his daughter.

Luna followed the sound of her father's voice to the parlour room where she found him with a glass of his favorite bourbon. When Luna entered Damon stood to greet his daughter with a hug.

"So how was it with Elena?" Luna asked knowing that they would have had to deal with the doppelganger after Esther's death.

Damon grimaces at the question, "I left Stefan to deal with her," he admitted making Luna laugh.

"Poor uncle Stefan," she said mockingly. Suddenly she smiled as a figure blurred past her father using vampire speed, "hello Kol," she said.

He had stopped outside to take a call from Freya while Luna had headed straight in.

Kol came to a stop behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck in greeting making Damon glare at the man who he had just realised was his son-in-law.

Luna noticed that her father was about to speak and she knew what he was going to say. "Don't even think about it," she said to her father with a smile.

"I was only going to threaten him with death if he ever hurts you," Damon replied, making Luna shake her head, amused by the pout on his face.

Luna quickly turned and pecked her husband on the lips before introducing Kol and her father officially.

"So Freya said that the spell worked," Kol said to his wife. "She found her."

Luna smiled and looked at her father apologetically. "We have to go," she said to him.

"Where?" Damon asked, raising an eye in question.

"To find someone," Luna explained. "Finn's ex or not ex, Sage."

"They were together before Finn had a dagger shoved in his heart," Kol commented and Damon nodded in understanding.

"We should go," Luna said, moving to kiss her father on the cheek before she and Kol headed out.

As they were sitting in the car getting ready to go, Luna clocked Stefan and Rebekah arriving at the Boarding House. She grimaced slightly when Rebekah had her tongue down her uncle's throat.

Luna rolled down the window before they pulled away. "Are you two going to come up for air?" she called out teasingly.

They both pulled away and in perfect unison they rolled their eyes, putting their fingers up at the blonde and Luna gigged at them as they pulled away from the Boarding House and set out to find Sage.


As it turned out, Sage wasn't too far from Mystic Falls anyway. They arrived at a small farm house on the outskirts of town pretty quickly.

"This should be it," Kol said, looking down at the message from Freya.

Luna shrugged and they both approached the front door, knocking and then waiting patiently for someone to answer the door. When the door opens the couple are greeted with a shocked red-headed woman, the shock being more directed at Kol

"Hello Sage," Kol said with his usual smirk.

Sage rolled her eyes at the original, only briefly glancing at the blonde beside him. "What are you doing here, Kol?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"We're here to reunite you with your lost lover," Kol replied, a smirk on his face.

"What are you talking about?" she replied, not even being able to consider that he was talking about Finn.

"Finn," Luna said, a smirk gracing her lips. "You know, your ex from, like, 900 years ago."

Sage opened her mouth to reply but she couldn't seem to get any words out. The thought of Finn being awake was something she had given up thinking about a long time ago.

"This is Luna, by the way," Kol said. "My wife."

Sage blinked in shock, the words she had heard seemed impossible.

"Are you serious?" Sage said, seemingly able to speak again.

"About which part?" Luna asked, tilting her head at the red head.

"Both," she replied, not sure what to think anymore.

"Yes," Luna replied, amused by Sage's shock. "Kol is my husband and Finn is very much awake."

"So," Kol said, pulling Sage out of the house. "Let's go."

During the relatively short car journey Luna and Kol fill Sage in on everything she had missed.

"Mikeal's really dead?" Sage said in shock of what she had just heard. "And Kenna's alive?"

"Yep," Luna said with a smile as they pulled into the Mikaelson driveway.

The three head inside and Sage can't help but be slightly nervous. Not only was she about to see Finn after nine centuries, she was going to meet Kenna, the daughter of the man she loved.

"Finn," Kol yelled as they stood in the entrance way of the house.

Kol stood with his arms wrapped around Luna's waist as they heard the patter of feet on the stairs. Looking up Finn stood frozen as he stared at Sage and without wasting a second, the red head ran up the stairs to meet Finn.

Luna looked away from Finn and Sage's reunion and looked up at her husband, smiling as he leaned down to kiss her.

Later in the evening Luna was sitting on her bed, on her phone, when Grace burst into the room dragging Kenna, Caroline, Rebekah and Aria behind her.

Grace was almost bursting with excitement and Luna knew exactly what it was about so she let out a partial smile.

"Okay, what is it?" Aria asked, amused by Grace's excitement.

"So this morning Elijah and I decided to go out, you know to get out of the house for a while," Grace said happily. "Anyway, we went to the Grill and then as we were walking through the park we stopped and I looked to the right and I saw Elijah down on one knee asking me to marry him," she finished, earning squeals from Rebekah and Caroline.

Aria and Luna shared a knowing look since they were the only ones that knew what Elijah was up to. Each of the girls congratulated Grace before Caroline and Rebekah slipped into excitedly talking about wedding plans. 

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