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After the events of the Mikaelson party, Grace needed to get out of Mystic Falls and consider her next steps. She knew that the drama was far from completely over and she had no idea what to do next.

Even after over 500 years Grace still loved Elijah, despite everything that had happened in the past five centuries. The only problem was that he didn't believe her when she told him the truth all those years ago so she had no reason to believe that he would now.

She was truly happy that Luna was able to work things out with the family and she could only hope that she would be able to do the same.

It was getting pretty late and Grace was currently in Georgia, sitting at the bar and drinking her seventh shot of tequila. Unfortunately she wasn't nearly as drunk as she would have liked to have been.

"Excuse me, Miss," the old vampire heard from behind her. Grace turned around and looked at the girl in front of her, a questioning look on her face.

"Yes?" Grace replied, not necessarily in the mood to speak with anyone.

"I was told to give you a message," the girl said, gaining Grace's full attention. "He said, 'good luck'."

Grace froze and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, she looked closer at the girl before her and recognised the signs of compulsion. "Who?" Grace asked, finally. "Who is the message from?"

The girl started back blankly as she spoke. "Erik Godwinson," she replied, instantly sending waves of fear over the older vampire.

Grace's breath caught when she heard the name, she gulped in fear before standing up and fleeing the bar. She stopped on the street to take a breath in an effort to calm down before she ran all the way to the local cemetery.

At the cemetery she rushed straight towards the large crypt that was situated near the back of the cemetery. She took a deep breath before she entered the crypt and her undead heart stopped for a moment when she saw the inside. The lid on the stone tomb had been pushed off the grave and was in pieces on the floor.

"Shit," she muttered in a panic as she looked around the tomb. She leaned her head back against a wall and closed her eyes in the hopes of pushing away the fear and panic she felt.

She gulped before pulling out her phone and scrolling to the contact she was looking for. Putting the phone to her ear she waited as it rang and seconds later she heard a familiar voice.

"Grace?" Luna said down the phone as she was sitting in the Mikaelson's mansion.

"Luna," Grace replied, letting out a sigh of relief. "We have a problem."

"What's wrong?" Luna asked in dread.

"The crypt's empty," Grace replied, delivering the bad news. "He's gone."

On the other end of the line in Mystic Falls, Luna felt the dread settle in her body as she made eye contact with Aria, the older original returning a dreaded look on her face.

"Shit," Luna swore, letting out a breath. "Get back to Mystic Falls safely. We'll figure something out when you get here."

"Okay," Grace said. "I'll see you soon," she added before hanging up the phone and falling back against the wall of the crypt.

It was minutes before she moved again, she simply stood against the stone wall and allowed the panic to dissipate as much as it could. When she finally moved she pushed herself off the wall, taking a deep breath and running out of the cemetery.

As she ran her thought spun in her head and she had no idea what to do or think about the situation that she had found herself in the middle of. She had known that Erik Godwinson would come back to bite her one day but she had hoped that it would have been a lot later than now. 

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